To hell with it...

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Most of you though it was over . You though wrong butch (THE REFRECES)


The The next morning, all of the nations slowly made their way into the meeting room once more. Many looked tired, but everyone seemed to have some sort of weight lifted off of them. Romano and Italy were sitting side by side, the two sandwiched between Germany and Spain. Germany forced Prussia to sit by him, and France sat on Spain's other side. China was sitting between Japan and Russia, and Japan was sitting to Prussia's other side.

Finally, Canada stood up and grabbed the book. The instant he touched it, there was a flash of white light, and the sealed book became readable once more. He opened it up to the marked page.

"This entry is England's. Dear Diary, So I was forced to celebrate one of these silly "birthdays" again. Two more will be coming soon, since everyone keeps guessing and thinking one or the other is right. The problem is, even I don't know. No one recorded it when I was born."

"Dude? Why are you so disappointed about that? You get two birthdays!" England, while slightly embarrassed-who didn't even know their own birthday?!-was glad that he didn't sour atmosphere after the whole Prussia thing yesterday.

"I do believe that I should read, now?" England stated, taking the book from Canada with a nod of thanks, as his voice was still tired from yesterday; Canada couldn't remember the last time he'd spoken so much, and his voice was still rather sore.

"Next entry is Japan." He smirked and laughed a bit when he saw the entry. "Honestly, Japan, if you were as outspoken in reality as you are in your diary entries, I doubt anyone would take advantage of you." Japan had a light pink dusting over his cheeks in embarrassment. Honestly, how was he supposed to know that others would one day read his diary entries? If he'd known, he would've been more formal... "

Dear Diary, SCREW SEXY! I'M BRINGING KAWAII BACK!" The room burst out in laughter. Even Japan had a slight smirk on his face. I'm glad I could help to relax everyone a bit... Before we get to the darker entries...

"Hehe. The next entry is... Oh! It's mine. Dear Diary, I was leaving the world conference when I overheard a few nations talking about how "useless and pathetic" Italy was. They obviously have never seen that kid when he's pissed. Scariest thing I have ever seen." He finished with a shiver.

"Wait, Italy scary?! Are you sure we're talking about the same nation, here? You mean Southern Italy, right?" Someone asked. England was unable to pinpoint who, as they spoke without an accent-probably to remain anonymous.

"No, I mean Northern Italy. He's terrifying when he's angry. Trust me. I pray that you never see him pissed." England said. He still had nightmares.

There were quite a few disbelieving snorts or eye-rolls (even from Germany!), but Italy sat there, next to Romano, with a light smirk on his face. Perhaps that's what made him so scary-you never see it coming. But he, like Canada, could give any nation nightmares for decades if he wanted to. He wasn't part of the Mafia for nothing, you know, he and Romano learned quite a bit there.

"Prussia's next." England stated, catching Italy's not-too-cheery smirk, and decided it would be in everyone's best interest to continue on with the reading before he decided to show everyone why England was terrified of an angry Italy. "Dear Diary, You have no idea how thankful I am to little West. This child lets me know that I'm not just a monster that kills, I'm also an older brother with a heart."

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