Dinner with Damen

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The song  Pearl by Katy Perry is the theme song of this story :) It pretty much discribes how Pandora has started turning even know if you didnt notice :) Becoming dependant on this guy.... EVIL GUY.

Please vote, this story is doign really weell :) 16 on horror at the moment.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter with a comment. :)

I'd love a banner tooo :)


"You... you..." I slouched, unable to finish my sentence because I was so shocked by what he'd told me.

Lucifer Baale was the richest man in the entire world. CEO and primary share holder in Baale Indestries, it was rumored that he'd appeared from nowhere one day and took over a minor weapons company and within a couple years turned it into the leading weapons manucator in the world. But either way, the fact that his son liked me so much was a huge freaking honor.

Basically I was set for life if I worked for them. I was an avid follower of Baale Indestries in the news and I'd never heard that he had a son but maybe they just kept him out of the lime light so he wouldn't be spoiled and snobbish. The plan had certinly worked because he was unselfish and so kind.

Damen laughed at my facial expression and patted my head, "You're cute," I glared at him, not appricating being treated like a dog, "Now, do you want to go to dinner?"

I nodded eagerly, then tried to look nonshalont about it, " Uh... yeah... sure I'd love to!" I leaned closer to him, taking a quiet sniff of his calogne  and almost swooned like a girl from a 20's french movie. He smelled amazing!

"Did you just sniff me?" He asked, rasing his eyebrows at me with an amused smile on his face. I blushed and slid away from him and closer to the oppisite door.

"Sniff? Me? phhhhhhhhhttt," I waved my hand in the air, "Never! I don't even have a nose!" Then I realized what I said and wished I could crawl into a hole somewhere and die.  Damen laughed and reched over and grabbed my hand.

"Don't be embaressed, I like the silly things you say." He assured me, then turned to look out the window because the car was slowing down to a stop in front of a Per Se, ranked number 10 in the world. My mouth dropped open when I saw the sign on the front, it was the fanciest resturaunt in the city.

"I can't afford this place!" I gasped out, my eyes as wide as saucers. I'd heard that it has a 6 month waiting list and even then you had to be somebody to even get considered. I never dreamed of eating here that's for sure.

He waved his hand dissmisively at my remark, "Pandora, I can get a table anywhere and don't worry I'll pay for you, think of this as a celabration for your new job."

I grinned at him thankfully, but also felt a twincge of guilt at the thought of what had happened earlier. But if Damen didn't think it was something to dwell on this I shouldnt' either. I wished that I could be as carefree as him, but instead I'm a nerdy, weird, overly smart skinny girl.

The driver opened the door and Damen took my hand and pulled me out of the car and we walked arm in arm to the doorman of the resturaunt. He took our coats and gave us the tickets to redeem them. 

The host looked me over with distaine, and the look on his face pretty much screamed, 'Are you joking?'  I flushed, embaressed and felt Damen stiffen next to me.

He stepped up closer to the man and his eyes narrow and a dark look came over his face, "Is there a problem?" He hissed, and I felt almost scared of him. BUt he was just defending my honor so I ignored his over reaction.

The man sneered at me, "We don't let just anyone in here." Tears threatned to spring in my eyes and I tried pulling Damen away, I didn't want to be any more embaressed. I just wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep, maybe find a scrap of food somewhere to eat.

Damen stared into the man's eyes for  minute and the glare on the man's face turned into a blank stare. I cocked my head, confused at what was happening between them.

"Do you have a table for us?" Damen asked and the man shook his head no, "Why not?"

The man didn't react except for saying in a monotone voice, "We are all full at the moment." Damen smiled widely and looked over at the table nearest to us for a couple seconds.

Suddenly, a waiter walking by that table carrying what looked like hot soup tripped on absultely nothing and I watched in horror as the soup spilled all over the young lady who was sitting there.

 She screamed, trying to wipe the soup off her skin desprately with anything she could grab. The skin she wiped clean was flaming red and looked like it was going to blister.

Her husband leaped to his feet and pulled her towards where I assumed the bathrooms were, screaming for someone to call 911 and also that the resturaunt was going to hear from his lawyer. 

Damen looked back at the man  in front of us who still had a blank look on his face and smiled happily, "Looks like a table just opened up, we'll wait for you to clean it up." The man nodded and walked off to clean up the soup mess.

 I looked up at Damen curiously, "What the heck just happened?" I asked, still trying to work out what i'd seen a few seconds ago. But It didn't really make sense, someone tripped and a lady got hurt, it was just a huge coincidence that Damen asked for a table at the same time.

 I laughed at my silly thinking, as if anyone could control stuff like that. How redicious am I? I'm totally going insane. Now I was going to enjoy my time with Damen without over thinking it.

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