The Man Next Door.

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Another chapter of my new story :) Vote!


-------------------------------> That's the sexy Damen!

Hope you guys like it and comment.

I coughed, using both of my hands to cover my mouth in an attempt to block the smoke from filling my lungs more than it already had. It was no use, I was dying and I knew it. I looked up desperately into the eyes of the man who was my entire world for 3 years and just saw hate in his eyes.

If I looked back I should have seen that I was just another pawn in his game to destroy mankind. My skin seared from the heat of the fire getting closer to me and I struggled to my feet and made my way away from Damen and into the last room in the house that wasn't completely engulfed in flames.

I was going to live and take him down if it's the last thing I ever did.

                                                                                    Chapter 2

I opened my eyes and shook my head, trying to clear it of the nightmare that I had just woken from. My body was covered in sweat and my heart was beating at  furious pace, Damen was in my dream and he was evil. I laughed quietly to myself, how weird is that.

My alarm went off, alerting me that I had to get dressed for work right away. I slid out of bed and sauntered over to my closet. After a couple seconds of deliberation I pulled out a black, high waisted pencil skirt with a faint pinstripe. Then I pulled a white long sleeved blouse off the hanger and draped it over my arm and grabbed a pair of light gray wool leggings and black oxford heels from the floor of my closet and headed into the bathroom to get dressed.

I put my outfit on and stared into the mirror critacally at my short,  bright orange, hair.  I decided to do a french braid across the top of my head that gave the illution of a headband but also kept hair out of eyes. 

I brushed on a light brown eye shadow over my eye lids, and then added dark brown in the corners and along my creese to give my eyes more depth then I used black liquid liner to line my eyes and the backed on masara as thickly as I could. I just used a plain chap stick for my lips.

"Not bad." I muttered, heading into the main room again and grabbing my knee length black pea-coat and putting it and wrapping my long, red, knitted scarf around my neck for extra warmth. I grabbed the crust of bread I'd saved from dinner last night with Damen and stuck my wallet and keys into my pocket then headed out the door.

It was dark outside still and the wind was freezing. I shivered but headed out into the courtyard bravely, I didn't have a choice but to walk the 30 minutes to my work at a local law firm as a receptionist. 

Stanford & Williams was a huge law firm with seven of the biggest lawyers around in the city but they gave their less important workers less than nothing as a wage even though I knew they could afford to be more generous.

I had reached the sidewalk and was about to cross the street when I heard someone shout my name from behind me. I turned around and saw Damen hurrying over to my side wearing a crisp, gray suit and a blue tie that brought out his eyes.

"Hey." I greeted, trying to keep my teeth from chattering but failing misraibly. It was so freaking cold out here!

"Where are you headed?" He asked, looking worried about the state I was in.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself before replying, "I am a receptionist at Stanford and Williams."

He smiled broadly, "Perfect I'm headed there, you will take my car with me." Damen gestured to the sleek black car that I recognized as the company that picked up all the partners in the firm.

My jaw dropped, "Do.. you work there?" He was so young and lived in a freaking college dorm for God's sake!

Damen grinned and opened the door for me, "I'm the new partner there, but I decided to attend classes and live in the dorms to get the college experience I missed in law school."

I gaped at him and couldn't help but asking, "How did you get accepted, they never let new people in until someone dies!"

Damen's eyes darkened and he simply said, "People never refuse me." The way he said it made me shiver, it sounded almost sinister. But at the same time, I could understand why people listened to him, he was amazing.

Then his eyes twinkled merrily, "Pandora, would you do me the honor of being my assistant? I was going to interview today but I like you." I blushed at his words and couldn't even reply. He must have thought my silence was a negative reply because he continued, "The pay is 19 dollars an hour!"

My eyes widened, with that kind of money I'd actually be able to make a good living and eat every meal, "Yes! Why me though?" I couldn't help but asking, he barely knew me.

Damen shrugged, "Why not you? Are you saying you ouldn't do it?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm a genius of course I can do it." I blurted before I was able to stop myself, I hated people assuming stuff about me. Damn pride. HIs eyebrows raised so I had to continue, "Uh... I have an IQ of 149 and to top it off an eidetic memory."

I didn't like bragging but why do you think a poor girl from the wrong side of the tracks was able to get a full ride scholarship to the best school in the country? But being smart didn't alwyas mean you made a lot of money that's for damn sure.

Damen grinned and patted my knee, "You'll be very useful." He said, and I cocked my head in confusion at what he meant by "useful" But he didn't explain so I just leaned back in the chair and enjoyed myself on the ride to work.

My mind was whirring at the strange man next to me. It didn't' make sense what he was doing in the college and the law firm and the fact that they even added him as a FULL partner as opposed to a junior partner didn't' really make sense. How could someone have so much power that people just fell over to do what they wanted. 

But I couldn't bring myself to think anything but pleasant thoughts about him because gosh dangit, he was just so charismatic.

"Do you have any family Pandora?" Damen asked, inturpting my thoughts and I looked down t my fingers awkwardly.

"No, it's just me." I scratched my head nervously, "I don't really have that many friends either," I blushed at how stupid I sounded and hurried to add, "but that's cause I'm so busy working and with school."

Damen nodded with a look of sympathy and turned around to check his phone but I swear he looked almost PLEASED for  second when he heard I was basically alone.

But I'm sure I imagined it, what kind of person would think like that?

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