What kind of monster am I?

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Next chapter!

:) I hope you guys like it!

I'm on a roll, I needed a few days break from my vampire story. It was getting old for me to write.

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I didn't even realize what he would do to control me. He made me feel like things were my fault and he was the only one who could save me from being a horrible person. I should have known, I should have seen... I should have seen... He was manipulative and controlling and I played into his hand perfectly.

                                                                         Chapter 3

We arrived at the tall sky scraper and a door man opened the door of the town car for us and Damen got out then held his hand out to me. I took it shyly and stepped out of the car, feeling like a princess.

He took my arm in his and we strolled into the building and everyone looked our way and I felt so proud that I was on the arm of the best looking guy in the city. Damen strolled up with me to the desk where I normally worked and I was rewarded by the coworker I hated, Milissa, glaring at me.

 She sneered out, "Pandora, you're not allowed to bring friends, even good looking ones, into work, we are expecting the new partner in today as well." She reached for the phone to call our supervisor, "Not that you'll see him because you'll be fired."

Damen's eyes narrowed in anger and he stared down at Milissa for a couple seconds without saying anything. She glared back for  second then her eyes widened and she looked down, "Pandora is my new assistant on the 20th floor and now is essentially your boss for all intensive purposes." 

Milissa gaped at me, envy filling her face, "Y-you're the n-new partner?" She stuttered and I looked down at her haughtily.

She'd made my life a living hell everytime she worked and I wasn't sorry that she finally got put in her place. But I didn't want to think about her anymore so I squeezed his arm and whispered, "Thanks Damen."

Damen flashed his blinding smile down at me and lead me over to the elevator, "Anytime my dear, no one bullies my friends." His eyes almost looked black when he said that but I just shrugged it off and grinned up at him adoringly.

He was so wonderful! I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted me with him. I wasn't anything special. Yes, I was smart but that had never gotten me anywhere before in life. I wasn't going to look the gift horse into the mouth though, whatever reason it was that he liked me I wasn't going to question.

2 hours later I was situated in my own office, Yes! The assistants of the partners got their own window filled office! The other ladies were friendly to me and gave me tips on how to do my job the best way possible.

I looked up from my computer where I was tying a letter out for Damen and admired the view of the city from my window. It was as beautiful day and the view almost took my breath away. I stared for a few more seconds then continued with my work.

Sudeenly I was startled by a knocking on my window, which made no sense because this was the top floor and there was no balcony on this level, just a narrow ledge,  so no one should be able to knock on my window from the outside.

I looked up and my eyes widened with horror. Milissa was balanced on the ledge outside my window, her eyes full of tears. I ran over to the window and pulled it open nd stuck my hand out to her.

"MIlissa get in here! What are you doing!" I screamed, trying to grab her arm with my hand but she moved so I couldn't reach her.

"I"m so sorry about being mean to you today." She whispered, then to my horror she put her hands out to her side and leaned back and fell off the building. I screamed my lungs out, trying to catch her with my hands but I didn't get anything in my fingers to grab.  I watched as she fell... and tears filled my eyes and I sobbed.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and pulled me away from the window. It was Damen and he took me into his arms and let me cry. He rubbed my back soothingly and I choked out, "Why? why my window?"

Damen shushed me and said soothingly, "You couldn't know that she was suicidal, you didn't know that you treating her unkindly would made her kill herself." His words sent guilt through me, it was my fault wasn't it?

I felt so guilty,  she killed herself because of me. Thank God Damen was here to comfort me, I might have tossed myself out after her. He was so wonderful and I was so horrible. I made someone kill themselves! What kind of monster was I?

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