[9] - messages

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[9] - messages

do you ever get insecure about anything? how you look? how you sound? how you act?


justin didn't have many friends as a teenager. he had no one to confide in, no one to tell his feelings to. and, because of this, there was not really a reason for justin to possess a phone.

he only had it to contact his mother. . .
: :

justin let out an inaudible sigh, as his hand gripped the phone. his fingers pressed away at the phone's screen, small clicks sounding, indicating to justin that he was texting.

justin; hello

justin felt so nervous, once he had sent the message. his eyes glanced from side to side, the darkness of his bedroom making it hard for justin to stay awake. he'd always stay tucked in his room at night.

after his dinner with his mother, justin was very pleased and thankful that his mother had approved of his new found interest. he worried that made she wouldn't like her, because she was black or because pattie didn't want justin to have this new found interest. but, to his surprise, pattie was okay. . .well, she was more than okay, she was over the moon with the idea that her mute child finally found someone.

she was happy that she wanted to meet this girl right away. which for justin was a good thing, and kind of a bad thing. good, because his mother was accepting of it. bad, because this girl didn't know about justin being mute. the question that always popped into his head came up, again. would she stay?

justin knew he'd only just met the girl, but she seemed so trustworthy, and understanding, even if she seems a little feisty.

justin smirked, remembering that season had questioned his a lot about why didn't talk to her. he'd just played it off, coolly, he hoped. at starbucks, she didn't really question it as much as she did at the library.

taking him from his mind, justin's phone buzzed in his hand. justin quickly abandoned his head to unlock his phone and check his messages. his sleep glazed eyes quickly opened wide, as he opened the text.

season; well look who decided to finally text me😉

a broad smile, that could light his dark room, appeared on justin's face. she'd texted him back! justin thought he must've been doing something right, if she'd texted him back. he mentally thanked god, as he went to reply back to her.

justin; yeah, i was debating on texting you now or in the morning

justin pressed the send button, as he leaned back upon his headboard. justin was telling the truth. he was debating on whether to text her now or later in the morning. but, here he sat, on his bed, texting the girl he grew to like in only a few, short days.

justin waited for her text, his eyes glancing over to the window. he could see the neighbor's evergreen trees swaying in their yard. the wind sweeping through it's branches, wildly. they looked as if they were waving at justin, in a kind type of way. as if to commend his for getting a text back.

season; lol, so you decided to wake me up, then?

oops, justin thought. maybe he did wake her up. justin had forgotten that it was definitely about twelve in the morning and the sun wasn't even beginning to show itself up in the sky. justin didn't mean to do it, he was just being justin. the weird mute kid. . .

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