[7] - my name is justin

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[7] - my name is justin

what if everyday for the rest of your life, you were silent?


for season, being quiet was tough. season wasn't the quiet type, she just wasn't with it.

but, justin was fine with it. they were the opposite of each other. .
: :

lauren and season strolled into one of the local starbucks on their campus. a place that lauren really loved, well, she loved to stare at the cashier in the front.

lauren had learned his schedule, from other people who had jobs there. and, season had guessed that he was working today, because lauren was quick to grab season's wrist and drag her into the line of people waiting to get their fill of expresso and caffeine.

season didn't enjoy sitting in starbucks just sipping on some drink waiting for a guy to come over and ask for her number.

but, lauren didn't care about season's opinions on starbucks, and you could tell how she stood in line, her cheeks already rosy from just thinking about the guy with the green apron tied around his waist, the starbucks hat dipped upon his head and his smell of coffee.

lauren honestly loved it all. to the drowsy look on his face to the way he rung up prices.

the line shorten, and lauren got even more excited to see his face. he was all she babbled about on a daily basis. whenever season was with lauren between classes, lauren would insist on going to starbucks.

season noticed her best friend's feelings when they came here on way and lauren gave him a tip of like twenty dollars. season and the guy's eyes bulged out of their heads at her tip.

"welcome to starbucks," and, there he was. season rolled her eyes, lauren smiled at him. season hoped that she could just get her drink and find a seat to place her bottom. lauren was quick to start up some conversation.

"hi, i'm lauren. this season," lauren introduced the two of them, season getting a small wave from the guy behind the counter. season gave him a quick smile, before letting her eyes glaze around the place.

people were scattered around the place, some who went to the college, others just stopping for a quick sip of starbucks. men in business suits sat in secluded areas, their backs turned to the rest of the world.

women sitting in groups, glancing back and forth at the men, whispering like school girls. "i wonder how much money he makes. . ." the women all giggled at each other, making season sigh with irritation. this place was terrible.

there were a few normal people dining on coffees and breakfast sandwiches. a mother and her two children feasted on starbucks, and a person in a booth.

the silhouette of a man. his back was kind of hunched, his head low, like maybe he was reading a book? season shrugged, and her attention was focused on her best friend. lauren had finally stopped trying to work some magic and ordered drinks for the two of them.

they waited in line, lauren never taking her emerald green eyes off of the guy. season felt bad for him, knowing that after lauren got her fill of the helpless guy, she'd run off to find a new piece of meat.

a piece of meat she'd end up leaving. . .

season quietly shook her head, dismissing all the thoughts about her best friend, as she saw the same helpless dude return with two drinks. "here you are. . ." He spoke, as he placed the two soft beverages onto the counter.

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