“Well, you didn’t have to wear the smelly shirt, you had the spare in the back of your car…” this was fun!

“Well I wouldn’t want to dazzle you with my perfectly sculpted abdominal muscles.” He said winking. I knew for sure he was trying to remind me of my ogling. I really wished I hadn’t now…

“I’m sure I would have survived,” I played along. We both chuckled.

“I’m sure you would have. Anyways I have class; I’m looking forward to hearing your song tomorrow.” He said, running a hand through his dark hair.

“Oh, well I’m looking forward to playing it. See you tomorrow Mr. Alexander.” He walked off back in the direction of the music rooms. The guys were quiet for a moment.

“What was that?” asked Malcolm, giving me a curious look.

“What was what?” I asked innocently.

“You were flirting with the new teacher!” he said, smirking like the idiot he was. Flirting? That was not flirting!

“And the teacher was flirting back…” TJ added. Okay what planet are these boys from?

“I was not flirting, and he was not flirting. That conversation was flirt free.” I said.

“Right, of course!” said Malcolm sarcastically. We had entered the Drama room by now.

“I swear you guys are high or something!” I said.

“We’re not the ones flirting with the hot new music teacher!” Said Malcolm.

“Yeah, that’s good to hear… I’d be a little worried if you were.” I joked as I flipped through my folder to my script. He just rolled his eyes and we continued the rest of the lesson like any other but I couldn’t help thinking about what they had said…

Was Mr. Alexander really flirting with me? Surely he wasn’t, I mean he’s a teacher right?

Every time I thought of music class or of Mr. Alexander in anyway evil mutant butterflies would decide to assault the inside of my stomach. It was actually quite unnerving… I mean he’s a teacher I’m a student, sure he’s incredibly good looking and belongs on a runway rather than a classroom but still that was no excuse. It’s just wrong.

The day passed slowly and I was just anticipating the end of school bell so Ty and me could hang out and have Aunt Zoë’s famous lemon rosemary chicken!

When we got back to my apartment we tried to do some homework for our core subjects but it was a bore so we decided to practice our routines for our end of semester showcase. Ty being the swag king that he was had his hip-hop routine down; I had decided to change to more of a classical routine. It within my comfort zone and I knew I would ace it. I did pirouettes and leaps and my boy just seemed to follow whatever the music was telling me to do, which apparently was good; according to Ty.

Dinner was amazing just as everyone had expected it to be. Ty and I did the dishes and I played him my original composition. I couldn’t help but feel that a certain teacher inspired this song and that when I was playing it tomorrow that it would only be for him, it’s silly I know but I just couldn’t help it.

Ty ended up spending the night so we caught the subway to school on time for once and homeroom actually didn’t feel like torture. The periods leading up to music couldn’t have passed any slower, the teachers just droned on and on and on… but I practically ran to class when the bell went for music.

My heart skipped a beat … or five when Mr. Alexander flashed me one of those beautiful half smiles. The rational part of me screamed ‘Eww Lexi get a grip he’s your teacher!’ the other part of me… well she was too busy drooling. But I somehow managed to find my way to my usual seat next to Ashley and I waiter for my turn to play. I really wasn’t paying any attention to any of the performances and I didn’t even know it was my turn until Ashley nudged my shoulder. The evil mutant butterflies decided to make an appearance again but I ignored it and sat at my favourite white baby grand piano.

I started playing and the music controlled me I was swaying and tapping my foot to keep myself in time as my fingers danced along the shiny black and white keys. The song went for about three minutes and when I stood I got a pretty good applause from the class a thumbs up from Ashley and one of those heart-stopping smiles from Mr. Alexander.  A few more people performed their songs after I had and I was almost disappointed when the bell rang.

Before I could leave the class Zack called me back.

“Yeah?” I asked organising the books in my hand to keep myself occupied so I wouldn’t ogle.

“Good work, I really enjo7yed it. It was a beautiful piece.” He was while coiling a few guitar leads.

“Thankyou, it was fun writing some of my own stuff.” I said, hopefully sounding casual.

“So my bad and I have this gig on the weekend you should come watch, maybe bring a few friends.” He asked, almost optimistic.

I nodded slightly and smiled, “Sounds good, I might see you there.”

He nodded and we parted ways. Did that just happen did he just invite me to come watch him?!

I was excited, like a lot. Yeah, this is definitely one of those things I was going to force onto Ty. I simply just had to!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 14, 2011 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Inevitable Desiresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें