Mine (request)

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A/N: Requested by Kimberly_050512. One where Pan gets jealous.

"What were you doing with him?!" Pan roared, slamming the door of your hut shut behind him. With a snap of his fingers, the room was made soundproof, which slightly scared you. What was he planning to do with you?

"What are you talking about?" you forced out. You weren't about to cower in the corner of your room like some kind of wuss, although you'd admit to being afraid. "What was I doing with who?"

"Felix!" Pan slammed his fist against the wall loudly, making you flinch. "Don't think I didn't see you two, sneaking off into the jungle together. Now I'm going to ask you one more time..." He stepped towards you until your chests were touching, dark green eyes staring menacingly into your (E/C) ones. "What. were. you. doing. with. him?"

"Nothing!" you exclaimed. "We were just looking for firewood! Why does it even matter?"

Did he seriously think you and Felix had... Oh god, that was so wrong. He was like your brother!

"Don't lie to me!" Pan shouted into your face, then pushed you against the wall roughly and moved in once more, locking you in by putting his hands on the wall on both sides of your head. "Don't you understand, (Y/N)?" He laughed darkly. "You are mine. If you think you and Felix can happily run off into the sunset together, you've got it all wr-"

You didn't know what came over you, then.

Really, had any other boy but Pan spoken this way to you, you would have hit him in the face. Pan wasn't any other boy, though. He was different from everyone you'd ever met.

And so, instead of hitting him, you kissed him.

He froze for a moment, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck. After a moment, he seemed to understand what was going on and placed his hands on your hips, eagerly kissing back. He seemed a bit too experienced for your liking, but you decided not to dwell on it in that moment. It was just a kiss. It probably didn't even mean anything to him.

When you broke apart for air Pan (for the first time since you'd met him) seemed at a loss for words.

"We were just looking for firewood," you repeated, cradling his face in your hands. "I would never want to do anything like this with Felix, or any of the other lost boys for that matter." You didn't need to add what he already knew: That you truly were his, even if he'd never be yours.

He laughed again, then, except he didn't sound evil in that moment. He sounded gleeful, like the boy he pretended to be.

"Damn," he finally whispered. "Remind me to pin you against a wall more often."

When his lips found yours again, you couldn't help but think that you wouldn't object to that at all.

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