Staying over

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A/N: All of you need to see Flight World War 2 right now. The movie is not good at all but look at Robbie in his uniform!!!!! So much feels, he is so beautiful... *cries in her fangirl corner*
I vote Robbie Kay plays in more WWII movies ASAP. Preferably good ones, but, you know, I'm not picky xD

Your boyfriend Robbie was staying over for the first time and, honestly, you were not happy.

It wasn't that you didn't want him in your room or anything, but you were worried about when you'd ultimately have to go to bed. You would have to take off your make-up and sleep in pyjamas and- oh god, what if you woke up in the morning looking like a total mess? He'd probably never want to talk to you again!

Either way, when evening came and the movie you and Robbie had been watching (on your computer) was over, you placed your laptop on your bedside table and stood, nervously rolling your shoulders. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower real quick..."

Robbie smirked. "Is that an invitation?"

"What?!" you asked, perhaps a bit too loudly. "N- no!"

Robbie snickered. "I was just kidding, love."

"Oh... Well, see ya!" With that, you gathered your old (Y/F/band) shirt and sweatpants and hurried into the bathroom.

You tried not to take too long, but then you started worrying: What would he think was too long? What would he think was too short?

What about when you were done showering and went back to your bedroom? Would he expect anything to happen? You really hoped he wouldn't. You weren't ready for that...

After ten minutes of standing in the shower and freaking out, you dried yourself off, brushed your hair and removed your leftover make-up, taking a moment to stare at yourself in the mirror.

Plain (E/C) eyes, wet strands of (H/C) hair, darkened by the water... Robbie would probably break up with you after this. You didn't think you were all that pretty with make-up, but without it you were just... boring.

"Well, here goes nothing..." you muttered to yourself, flicking off the light and exiting the bathroom.

Robbie was sprawled out on your bed in only sweatpants (he'd already told you he slept without a shirt, and you had told him you really didn't care) as he stared at your TV, which he had apparently turned on. You didn't recognize what he was watching, but it didn't really matter because when you entered the room, he turned it off and sat up, looking at you with a smile. "Hey."

"Hi..." you answered, resisting the urge to bite your lip (a nervous habit).

Robbie raised an eyebrow. "So are we going to go to bed or are you going to stand there and stare at me all night?"

You forced out a chuckle and walked over to him, letting him pull you into your bed.

You both got under the covers, you quickly moved over to turn off the lamp, and then everything was dark.

It was only a few seconds before Robbie turned over and draped his arm around your waist, as you were laying with your back to him. He pressed a quick kiss to your neck and then you felt him relax, probably already half asleep, but you had never felt so tense.

What if he thought you were fat?

"Hey..." Robbie muttered, hugging you tighter. "Why are you so nervous? I can feel your heartbeat, you know..." Pause. "Are you sucking in your stomach?"

"I... I'm sorry," you whispered, hiding your face in the pillow. You felt so embarrassed, and horrible, and- He probably hated you know.

"(Y/N)..." Robbie said with a sigh, nuzzling his nose into your hair (which was kind of weird since it was still wet, but he had probably done it without thinking about it, since he did that a lot). "You're perfect just the way you are, alright? You're beautiful and sweet and there is no reason to be insecure at all. I love you, so stop worrying."

You tensed again, but for an entirely different reason.

Turning around in his arms, you looked at his eyes (which somehow still had that twinkle in them, even in the dark) and asked: "You love me?"

"More than anything..."

You smiled. "I love you, too..."

"Good. Now relax," he said, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Robbie."

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