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A/N: I imagine the song above to be the one playing on the radio while all this happens... I didn't have space anywhere in the imagine to say it so I decided to just add it here. Please listen to it to know what kind of atmosphere there is in the car. Kay? Thanks.
So you should know that this is a Peter Pan AU where he is a real person, because I was in a Peter mood but also in a 'I need to kiss you so let me pull over right fucking now' mood.
... I don't think this is the start of a very good relationship btw. Even I think the way Peter treats (Y/N) is kinda shady (mainly towards the ending), and I'm the one who wrote it... LOL.

"So where are we going?" you wondered.

Your date, Peter, didn't take his eyes off the road as he replied: "It's a surprise."

"But, I mean-" You sighed. "You just told me to 'dress casual'. Am I not allowed to know what we're doing?"

"Of course you are!" This time, Peter did look at you, green eyes twinkling with mirth. "And you will know... as soon as we get there." He quickly looked back at the road. The highway wasn't that busy, most people probably off at the beach, what with the hot weather. You would have probably been there as well if Peter hadn't asked you out.

You were somewhat surprised that he had: He was a senior and you were a junior and really, if it hadn't been for that stupid party that (Y/F/N) had dragged you to about a month ago, you would still think he was a non-caring, know-it-all asshole.

It was somewhat of a miracle that he even liked you: You had been slightly drunk when you met, unaware that someone had spiked the punch until it was too late, and as you had stumbled out into the backyard for some fresh air, you had found him leaning against the porch railing all by himself, looking at the stars as he smoked a cigarette.

Naturally, you had thrown up in front of him. That was just the kind of thing you did: You saw a hot guy? You embarrassed the hell out of yourself. It was sort of okay, though, because Peter had held your hair back and, surprisingly, laughed it off, offering to get you something alcohol-free. ("Like coffee, that should sober you up," he had said, eyes filled with amusement. "My, you are a mess tonight, aren't you, love?")

After that, you both had spent most of the party hidden in the corner of the living room, sitting on the stairs, as you discussed pretty much everything: School, hobbies, dreams, etc. You had found out that Peter, though infuriatingly sarcastic, wasn't a bad guy. He could be childish, and unashamedly so, but that was endearing, and he was actually pretty smart (and not the "I think I know better but I actually don't" kind, which you had always assumed about him).

That night you had gone home with a new number added to your contact lists, and you had talked and texted almost non-stop after that. Then, a week ago, he had met you by your locker before your last period and asked you to go on a date with him.

You'd said yes without even having to think about it.

Snapping back to the here-and-now, you realized you had been staring at Peter for a while and quickly looked away, heat rising to your cheeks. He'd noticed, a smirk appearing on his face as he put his hand on your leg, perhaps a bit too far up. "See something you like?"

"Maybe," you answered boldly, crossing your arms.

This time, he made it a point to look you straight in your (E/C) eyes. "Well, I'm definitely seeing something I like."

Welcome to speechless-town. Population: (Y/N).

Finally, you forced yourself to say something again. "I really would like to know where we're going... Even a vague direction would be great at this point."

"Okay," Peter nodded as he shifted his gaze back to the road, lifting his hand off your leg to point forwards. "We're going that way."

"That's not what I meant."

Peter laughed then, the air filling with the sound of his happiness as he put both his hands back steadily on the wheel. "Now, now, (Y/N). Where's your sense of adventure?"

"I love adventure!" you defended yourself, because it was true. "Just not when we've been driving for two hours without you telling me anything. You could be kidnapping me, for all I know!"

"I'm not kidnapping you," Peter said, sounding serious despite the amusement still clearly showing on his face. "If I were kidnapping you, you'd be in the trunk and I'd be smoking a joint... Plus, Felix would probably accompany me in case of any such activities."

"Why does it sound like that's something you've planned out?" you asked teasingly.

He winked suggestively. "It's one of my fantasies."

"With Felix?" You couldn't help but laugh. "That must be one hell of a fantasy."

Peter pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Hmm... The fantasies don't have Felix in them, but I'm simply being realistic."

"Since when are you ever realistic?"

He shrugged, then glanced at you again for just a moment before quickly looking away. "I can be realistic. Not everything is all fairy tales and Neverland."

You hummed in agreement... sarcastically.

"So where are we going?"

Peter chuckled. "(Y/N), for the umpteenth time: I'm. not. telling. you."

"Then give me a hint!" you all-but-begged. "I'm not good with surprises, okay?" Also, annoying him was fun.

Peter then did something unexpected: He pulled the car into the berm and turned off the engine, turning to you with an eyebrow raised. There was something in his eyes that you wanted to back away from, yet you were stuck like a deer in headlights: It was crazy, and wild and angry and-

He grabbed your face roughly between his palms and pulled your lips to his.

Kissing Peter wasn't like kissing any other guy you'd ever dated. Before, it had always been like a wave of calm and happiness. With Peter it was all electricity and fireworks and tongues battling until he inevitably won, dragging your lower-lip between his teeth as he pulled away, leaving you yearning for more.

"There, that'll get you to quit pestering me," Peter announced smugly as he started the engine once more, pulling back onto the highway as you simply stared at him. "Just know that what we're doing will be an adventure."

"Why did you do that?" you finally choked out.

"What, kiss you?"

"Yes, kiss me!"

Peter shrugged. "Waiting until the end of a date is rather cliché, don't you think? The facts are: I like you and you like me and I wanted to kiss you, so there." He glanced at you again, and this time he didn't look away, keeping only one eye on the road. "Unless of course you didn't want me to kiss you, in which case I apologise."

You rolled your eyes. "You know I wanted it."

"Of course you did." Peter almost beamed, but his eyes were dark (yet they burned, and you wanted them to burn you alive). "I bet there's so much more you want me to do to you. I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I?"

It should have been creepy, the way he said that, but as he turned back on the road and swallowed heavily, your eyes followed the way his throat bobbed and you thought that being his doll wouldn't be so bad.

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