First time caring

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"Sir, can you please tell me what are we doing here again?" asked me Gaston annoyed at the whole situation.

I had blinked us outside the motel room in which MY mate's family was staying at, just in time to witness a very entretaining fight between father and son. It seems like Dean finally got his head out of his ass and remembered that Moose's sweet sixteen was two weeks ago and he demanded to his daddy that they returned to Las Vegas, so they could make Samantha happy. Of course, the piece of shit Moose has as a father shouted at his son telling him that his sister should stop being so selfish and start thinking about others for once in her life. I wanted to enter in that room and torture that idiot until he begged to be dead, then make him think I would kill him but in the end let him live so I could continue playing with him. Because no one can talk about MY mate like that, specially when all the things he said were false. However, I stopped when I remembered that Moose still didn't give me her 'yes' to be my mate and killing her dad would put me in a bad position with her.

Calm down Crowley, I thought, Just keep it cool until you get her and then you can play with her daddy.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that after the discussion Dean stomped out of the motel room and drove his precious impala to the furthest bar. I, wanting to know how things were going to end, followed him. Which meant that Gaston had to come with me, even though he didn't want to. Not Moose ended up calling Bobby (or uncle Bobby as Samantha call him), who was on the hunt as well, and told him everything. After a few curses and threats from the old man, both of them ordered their drinks and drown their sorrows in alcohol.

"This is boring" commented Gaston "Nothing interesting is happening. Just two drunk men complaining about their lives. Can we offer them a deal? Maybe they'll fall for it" he pleaded.

"Gaston" I sighed tiredly, his moaning was making my patient run thin "We could offer a deal to every person in the bar and they would accept... but those two are the only ones that would try to take us down" I tried to explain to him "They are stronger than they look. Haven't I told you a thousand times to never underestimate your enemy? Look how Lilith and Ruby ended because they though a human wouldn't be able to take them out. Don't underestimate the Winchesters, never!" I warned him sternly, cause I knew that they were capable of doing so many things "Also, I am planning to play a bit with them".

With that said I stood up, ignoring the protests of Gaston, and walked towards the bar "What do you want?!" growled Dean angrily. His glare, tone and murdering aura would make anyone tremble in fear, but it only caused my smirk to grow wider "Come on!" he insisted, losing his patience.

"I want that talisman" I answered and pointed at the ancient instrument, they had gotten in this hunt, which he had in his hand "It is quite old and precious, if it is the true one it costs a lot of money. I collect this kind of stuff and would gladly pay you well to have it in my collection" I flashed him one of my best English charming business man smiles and waited for him to explode.

"Screw you dude!" I barked and jumped off his seat "It is off limits, I am not selling this talisman to anyone. So keep that in mind and get lost!" I pushed me away and began walking away, with Bobby behind him, but stopped when I spoke again.

"Not even for you dear Sammy?" I smirked coyly at him when he froze in his place and turned around rigidly, to only glare at me as if he was trying to kill me with his look. The only thing that stopped him from jumping on me and beat the crap out of me (not that he could), was Bobby "I overheard you and that old man brooding about how idiots you were about forgetting Sammy's sweet sixteen, but don't have the money to buy her something nice to ask her for forgiveness" I made enfaces in not Moose pet name for MY mate, loving how his anger only multiplied by it "Poor girl, being forgotten and left alone in her own birthday. And a special one like sweet sixteen to say the least! It is the day that she turned into a woman and should be celebrated with pride by the family. What a disappointment" I enjoyed with an evil glint how both of them flinched by my words, specially how defeated Dean looked "Poor Sammy surely think that her family doesn't care about her. Because they forgot the day she was born, the only day that family must celebrate together cause it meant that she came into the world... into their lives. She might also think that her family doesn't want her in their lives, that they don't love her... that they want her dead" and that was it, that was what I needed to finally release the best inside Dean.

Not Moose got free from Bobby's grip and yanked me forward, gripping the neck of my shirt tightly "I dare you to repeat that!" I threatened me with a deadly glare that would have other men pissing themselves, good thing that I was a demon.

"What do you say? Ready to accept my offer to redeem yourself?" I asked him not losing my cool, not even a second at all.

I saw doubt and hope pass through his eyes, enough to know that I already had him. However, things are never that easy for me when dealing with Winchesters. Bobby, voice of reason Bobby, had to open up his mouth and advice not Moose "Dean, boy, think about it for a second" he began and then lowered his voice so only Dean could hear him. Gaston and I could thanks to our demon hearing "Such a dangerous weapon in hands of a human ignorant of the world in the shadows... it is nothing but bad news and you know it".

"What about a bet then?" I insisted, not wanting to lose the open window I had "A game of poker. If I win, I get the talisman".

"And if I win?" he asked me, trying to sound disinterested but failing miserably.

"I will give you three thousand dollars. What do you say?" their jaws dropped at the quantity of money that I had just offered them.

"I accept!" he said decided.

At the end I let him win on propose, I wanted to know what he would end up doing with the money. I wanted to know if he was worth of being called the big brother of MY mate and I knew that Samantha would love to know that her family cared enough to risk losing something dangerous to get money for a sorry present for her. But I knew if I stalk after him now, he will notice me so I stayed in the bar and made deals with everyone inside. After three hours I already had fifty new souls in my bag, ready to go to hell in ten years.

When I thought it was ok to go. I blinked us outside the motel room of Samantha's family. John, or stupid bloody bastard like I prefer calling him, had drank until he fell asleep on the sofa. Meanwhile Dean and Bobby were disusing about the Moose's birthday present. Dean was worried that 'Sammy' wouldn't like the Pandora bracelet that he got her and Bobby was reassuring him.

Using my powers I inspected the silver bracelet of Pandora that Dean got to MY mate. It had a queen crown charm, a family love charm, a travel together forever charm, a charm with the letter W, another one with the letter S, a charm of her month, a family heritage charm, a happy birthday charm and a charm with the number sixteen on it.

Smiling contently I turned towards Gaston "It was a very productive night, but it is time for us to return to Las Vegas" I told him "It is almost time for Moose to lure Azazel and for me to kill him".

"Of course, sir" he replied and I blinked us away.


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