Killing list, of the fututre King of Hell, number one: Lilith

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"That Azazel is planning what?!" exclaimed shocked and angrily Lilith, as I retell her about the papyrus while we were eating in an expensive five stars Italian restaurant.

Does this backstabbing two faces bitch really think that she is a good actress? I asked myself in my head.

Keep it cool Crowley, at least she bit the bait. Just follow the flow now and everything will go as it was planned. The annoying voice spoke inside my mind again, but this was the first time that I didn't told him to shut up and really appreciated it being there. You're welcomed, it replied.

Don't sound so cocky when you say it, you bloody shit! I snapped at it inside my head and I could have swear that it was laughing at me.

"Yes, I know darling. He is totally nuts! We all know that Lucifer would kill us as soon as he gets what he wants from us" I smirked internally as I saw how angry she got by my words, but acted as if I hadn't notice "What are we going to do about it?".

"Leave it to me, Crowley" ordered Lilith, but it was a bit difficult to take her seriously when she was in a ten years old girl's body "You have done enough, for what I am truly grateful. I can assure you that you'll be rewarded for your services" with that said she stood up and left the restaurant.

"Rewarded my ass" I growled to Gaston who appeared from the shadows as Lilith left the building "She surely will have her demons after me tonight. That bloody whore!" I glared down at my scotch before finishing it in one go "Is everything ready?" I asked to my loyal demon.

"Yes, it is. The demon's trap was already placed and Samantha is armed, ready to kill" answered Gaston politely, afraid of angering me when I am so crossed "Your mate, sir, will approach Lilith worried about letting such a young girl wander around Las Vegas on her own. Thanks to the fake worries you had just expressed to Lilith about Samantha, she will surely play along with your mate to see if she really is a danger. Before she knows it, Lilith will be dead and you'll have one less problem to deal with".

"Perfect!" I said, for once, happy "Let's get moving then, the last thing we need is some stupid demon trying to kill MY mate to avenge their late mistress" and just like that I blinked us to the parking lot of Samantha's motel.

And I was welcomed by a pleasant and horrible scene. Laying on the floor was Lilith, dead obviously, but Moose wasn't smiling in victory at all. She was being pinned against a car by one of Lilith most loyal followers: Ruby. That bloody slut of hell adored her mistress and surely prayed to Lucifer every night, like the good piece of shit she is.

"You will pay for that" Ruby promised to MY mate "Your daddy and big brother will have to search for you all over Las Vegas, recollecting every piece of you that I tore apart. And nothing will stop me, cause what would you do?" she taunted with an evil smirk, which only widened when the other demons that followed Lilith laughed mockingly.

"Just watch me bitch!" replied Samantha, just before I was about to step in and kill them all.

Then Moose did something that shocked me, she placed her hand on Ruby's chest and sent her flying away. The demonic bitch stayed in the air as MY Mate maintained her hand raised, but soon Ruby fell on the floor dead by a bullet from the Colt.

"You fucking hunter!" another demon, I think her name was Meg, cursed and was ready to attack. However, she stopped when I stepped in "What the heaven?! Crowley, what are you doing? Move! She just killed Lilith and Ruby, she must be stopped".

"Can you hear yourself for a moment!" I growled angrily, making a mental note to put this bitch on the top of my killing list after her master Azazel "As you said she just killed two powerful and old demons, what will you be able to do? She has the Colt and powers we don't know about, you surely will fall dead before you could get any closer. Be smart and know when you had been defeated, leave!" I ordered her.

Grumpily and angrily she did as I ordered her, soon followed by the rest of the demons. One by one they all left, until only Moose, Gaston and I were left. When Gaston gave me the ok, telling me that we were finally alone, I rushed to her side.

"Stop!" she commanded suddenly, when I was only a few steps away, nearby Lilith's body, making me freeze "The demon trap is just in front of you, you better not get caught Crowley. I don't think I have the strength to break you free, at the moment".

"Not necessary, love" I told her, blinking to her side and cursing myself for leaving Isabelle back at the hotel, to maintain order among my demons. Her healing abilities would have been handy right now "What did just happen?" I questioned her instead as I took out a napkin and rubbed the blood away.

"It seems that Azazel's blood give you some abilities" she replied with a humorless chuckle "I saw it happen... I saw how Lilith killed me in a dream" she told me in a dark tone "I thought it might have been the nerves before the fight, but everything happened the same way. What she told me, how she moved, what she was going to use to kill me... I just froze. Scared of being right, of being a freak. Then I thought about Dean, dad, Bobby, Rufus, Pastor Jim, Isabelle, Gaston and especially you" she confessed and looked me in the eye "That fear of knowing that she would be after you that I need to protect you all, awakened this knew ability of moving things. I was able to move her away from me and into the demon trap, killing her. Then Ruby came and I got lucky that it worked as well on her".

"Next time we will plan it better" I replied with a strict tone "I can't have you dying just because your luck run out" and leaned down to kiss her. Of course, she kissed back with the passion that only a person that almost got killed could have mastered.

"Sir, I think I found something interesting" Gatson called out for me, from where he was kneeling in front of Ruby, making me stop kissing MY mate.

"You better have a good reason for interrupting us" I growled (almost barked) at him.

"Hush Lee" I had to smile at the pet name Moose gave me "He is a good friend, don't treat him badly" she scolded me. I grumped a bit but then nodded my head obediently, earning a short kiss from her "What did you find Gaston?".

"This knife" he answered Samantha's question taking a peculiar knife from Ruby's jacket "It can also be used to kill demons, like the Colt".

"Now, that is interesting" I gave him that "I will take it" I snapped my fingers and the knife appeared in my hand "And this is yours" with another snap a small box with ten bullets appeared "This are the special munitions I promised you, Moose" I handed it over to MY mate, who gladly accepted it with a huge smile "Now... let's start planning. We still have a demon to kill".


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