Valentines Day Special

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A/N: This side story will be taking place from where the story left off. Also, this is my first time doing a special that lies outside of the original storyline. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't going to be any hints for future chapters. Alright, so without further ado, let's begin. Oh, and by the way, I edited some of the past chapters, correcting grammar and I change some dialogue and plot, so make sure to check that out, it's crucial to the future chapters.

Valentine's Day. Probably the most overrated day out of the year. Of course, if you're in a relationship, or even have a Valentine, it's smooth sailing with flowers and hearts, and practically everything is 'great'. However, when you're like me, when you've done some minor things in the past but never been in a relationship, and not even in one currently, then it's just another day. But if you are the student body princess, which means you have to plan the Valentine's Day dance and the lovely gram giving that comes before, then it becomes annoying. Yay!

Since it was the Thursday before Valentines Day, things were busy. With candy grams being prepared, organizing the singing groups, and decorating the ballroom in the castle where the dance was being held, I've been swamped. So much so that I haven't even gotten a chance to talk to the descendants about the whole thing, let alone to my best friend. It was now 9 o'clock, and I was now arriving at my room in the castle. After opening the grand golden doors, I plop on my queen size bed which as adorned with royal blue sheets and cerulean colored pillows.

"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I'm back again after a long day. I hope you guys are enjoying yourself, wherever you are." I sigh, picking up the picture that my parents and I had taken when I was just 3. The last time we spent time together until they left to do who knows what. Although I don't mind...they never seemed like the types to settle down anyway. 


"Come in," I call out, instantly being pulled out of my semi-depression. 

"Hey G, I was wondering what time you would come back. I mean, you did miss dinner after all." Ben says worriedly, resting a hand on my shoulder before sitting down on the edge of the bed and continuing to indulge in an actual conversation. "So, we haven't talked this whole week, how's things been coming along?"

"Well, it's been busy, to be honest. I mean we have to give out the candy grams to everyone tomorrow, let the singing groups perform their songs to selected individuals, finish up the final touches on the ballroom-"

"It looks great by the way," Ben buts in.

"Huh?" I reply, confused about what he was referring to. 

"The ballroom, it looks spectacular. And you did that all by yourself. Lumiere and Ms.Potts said you refused their help throughout the whole set up."

"Well, when you're a genie, making things magically appear isn't the problem, it's that everything needs to be perfect. Some people seem to enjoy Valentine's day, so it's my job not to ruin it for them." And I mean what I said, even though nothing ever happens for me on Valentines Day, and, in my opinion, it's a useless holiday, some people think otherwise. Therefore, I'm not going to be a party pooper; I was never that type of girl to begin with.

"So," Ben interrupts me from my thoughts," by any chance do you have something planned for yourself at least. I mean, after all, this, don't you want to get something out of it?"

I think about it for a moment, "Nah, I don't mind not benefiting from it, but if I can, in some way, I would take it I guess...."

Ben glances at me for a second before shifting his gaze to his hands, fiddling his fingers in a somewhat nervous manner. "Well, if you're not going with anyone to the ball, would you like to, you know, dance...with me?"

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