Chapter 9

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A/N: Guess who just rose from the dead! MEEEEE! And I have bad/good news. Good news is that I have three chapters already done, bad news is that they've been done since March and I just forgot to publish them.............yea.........Don't kill mee *hides behind Jay and Carlos* U wouldn't wanna hurt these cuties would you *Jay and Carlos move so I'm seen again* TRAITORSSSS. Anyway, enjoy :)


By the time I arrive at the field the image of Ben sitting on the metal bleachers catches my eye. From the impatient expression on his face, it was safe to say that he was most likely waiting for another person to arrive. That, and the constant fiddling with the stopwatch that laid his palm.

"What are you up to Ben?" I inquire genuinely, not hinting that I had just threatened his soon-to-be-girlfriend. Although I was entirely confident that he would trust me on the whole matter, it wouldn't be kind, or becoming of a best friend, to crush his dreams that he had place enormous amounts of faith in.

"Just waiting for Carlos, going to train him for the team," Ben states this confidently, causing me to wonder what team my buddy was referring to. I couldn't see how tourney, which I hope isn't the right team, was going to be smooth sailing for the small and skinny boy surrounded by muscular and broad teenagers. Not trying to be rude, but looking at Ben, and knowing Carlos was about one-third of his size causes me to worry.

"What team are we talking about here?" I ask, hoping that my initial thoughts were wrong.

"What else? Tourney of course. He has potential, but I was trying to think of a way to get him to push himself." A way to get Cruella De Vil's son to push himself huh...I just got a wicked idea.

"Why don't you leave that part to me?"

"Gem, please no-"

"No threatening or unexpected multiplication of myself...jeez that only happened one time."

"One time too many."

"You shouldn't be talking, remember that exact same night when you-"

"I thought we agreed never to speak about that again!" Ben shouts in a hushed manner, tackling me to the floor while covering my mouth with his palm. We gaze at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. Only after laughing did I realise the position we were in. His straddling me wasn't you would think.

"Um, Benny?"

"Yea Gemmy?" he mocks while chuckling, causing me to feel something but instantly push it down.

"As much as I like to be close to you...and you know I do...some places shouldn't be so close...if you get what I'm saying." It only took one eye flick downwards to understand what I was getting at, and he thankfully rushes to get off me, pulling my body off of the ground as well. We stare at each other for what seems like 2 minutes until I break the silence.

"Alright so, I'm gonna go change, because this tension isn't going away, but hey at least-"

"Don't say it-" His outbursts at me bringing up that topic always causes me to laugh.

"Alright, sir!" I stop the teasing, making my way to the changing rooms, "I will be out soon to help."

"Great." He makes it sound as if he was aggravated, but I know better to recognise that the voice was just an act. My rose red lips blow an air kiss at him, and when he doesn't catch it, I glare at him. This stare causing him to frantically search for the invisible kiss.

After freshening up and drying off, I put on a golden crop top, royal blue jeans, and golden wedges, which are shaped like genie lamps. When I safely secure my lamp earrings, and sapphire gemmed head necklace that holds my hair down, I make my way outside, just in time to see Carlos greet Ben.

"Perfect," I state, creating a bunch of blue mist on the floor that fades away to reveal the campus dog. "Hey boy, can you do Gem a huge favour?" He doesn't nod, but I know that he understands me. I never knew why I could understand animals and vice-versa but oh well.

"Can you chase down that boy when Ben says, "You ready?" he looks at me in my face and licks my cheek. "Good boy, now go wait for your cue behind the bushes.

He tilts his head and sends vibrations to my mind, signalling his question.

"The bushes with the only white daisy right opposite me." While chuckling he makes his way over, looking back a few times in an exasperated fashion. Carlos and Ben were already set up, with Ben now explaining what they were going to do. During that explanation, Dude slipped passed them so quietly, that I wouldn't have noticed if I was oblivious to the plan.

"You ready?" Ben shouts to Carlos, who nods quickly. Not too long after, you hear Carlos's screams and Dude's barks chasing him down. I could have never imaged that Carlos would run that fast. I guess it went better than planned. Karma must have acted quickly since Ben had found my hiding spot and suddenly glares at me. However, as my body walks towards him he just shakes his head, and motions for me to follow him. Look at Ben, acting so serious, although I did see the smile that crept across his face because of his pent up laughter.

"Carlos! Carlos!" he calls out, getting frantic cries of help from the one who he was calling out to. Having no time to speak, we rush to the site where Carlos is, only to find him latched to a tree with Dude looking at him with interest. Walking up to Dude I give him a scratch behind his ear before lifting him up and whispering words of thanks. He looks away from me but then licks my cheek as a 'you're welcome'.

During my time with Dude, I can clearly hear the shouts of Carlos complaining about how dogs are killers, rabid pack animals, and many others. However, I choose to tune him out, feeling pity for him instead.

" have never actually met a dog, have you." Ben calms Carlos down, making him look at Ben crazily.

"Of course not!"

"Dude meet Carlos, Carlos meet Dude, he's little helper around here." I chip in sweetly, acting as if I hadn't been the cause of all this. Ben rolls his eyes while Carlos looks at me in surprise, but then shifts his facial expression to a calmer one.

"He doesn't look like a vicious rabid pack animal." And with that a new duo was born as he takes Dude from my hands, cuddling him. The expression which graced his face made me want to smile; it was filled with such warmth and amazement that I was touched.

"Didn't you ever get the chance to see a dog on the isle?" I ask, wondering how he could have never wanted to touch one before.

"Nope, cute and kind weren't really our style."

"Oh..." I sigh in astonishment; I didn't know things were that bad.

"You guys must have it pretty rough on the island." Ben chips in, rubbing my shoulder affectionately.

"Yea...let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs," Carlos states gloomily before turning back to Dude, which makes his emotions do an 180. I bump into Ben, tilting my head in the direction of the new duo.

"Good boy," I look at him as if he was crazy, "I mean you're a good runner, you're fast...back there...and yea..." Ben stutters, starting to feel the awkwardness that I was trying to signal.

"Well," I say, finally taking charge, "we don't want to get in the way of your bonding time with Dude, so Ben will practice with you later." And without even a reply we turn and start to walk away while hearing a soft 'thanks'.

As soon as we arrive at the fields, instead of giving me a stern lecture, he gives me a hug.

"Good Job."

"Thanks, I try." I brush it off, although he knows that I was just acting tough. "Don't you have to do something after school?"

"Yea, I was planning on checking up on the kids from the Isle of the Lost. Check if they have any questions. And, since you are Student Body Princess, and soon to be My Royal Advisor, I was hoping that you would tag along...?" Ben gives me the puppy eyes, practically making me already agree to go with him.

"Do I have a choice?" Although it was a losing battle, I at least wanted to go down trying.

"Nope, not really."

I sigh, "Alright then, we will meet at your room and then go kay? I need to finish up something first..."

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