Bill obsession

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It was the Pines twins first day of senior year in Gravity Falls. After all of wierdmaggedon, the Pines didn't really want to leave their precious city. So after a very convincing letter from Ford and Stan to their parents the Pines twins had been living in Gravity Falls ever since. It had all been okay, until that last summer before their last year of school. But that was gone now and Dipper was sure his year was going to be great. He would succeed in all his classes, hang out with Wendy and Mable, learn more about the secrets of the universe with Ford and just spend time with his Gruncle Stan. And nothing that happened that last summer would bother him. A lot. He thought. He shook his head as to get the thought away from his head once him and his sister walked through the doors. Mable quickly ran to meet Granda and Candy.
"And that is all of Mable I will be seeing today." Dipper thought to himself as he slowly walked to his locker. He passed Pacifica on his way and just gave her a quick nod. Their friendship was kind of weird. He didn't know where they stood at the moment, if they hated each other or if they could barely take each others company for the sake of his sister.
When he finally got to his locker, he put in the combination: 618. It opened to reveal the several papers on the door. "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram." "Now let's see which Pines survives.", "When one gets trapped in the past, dreams can turn to nightmares fast", "Do not summon at all costs", "Fear the beast with just one eye", "Bill is watching". He read quietly all the papers and quickly ripped them off his locker door. He had forgotten how annoying he could be when he got obsessed with something. Specially if that something was Bill Cipher.
He through his books inside the locker getting only the ones that he needed and the journal with five fingers and the number four on it. Ford insisted that Dipper started a journal of his own and to say the truth he quiet liked it. He was getting ready to go when he heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the door.
"First day of school is such a thrill isn't it Pine tree?"
Dipper cursed under his breath and closed the door.
"How would you know Cipher?" He said looking into the one eye of the human form, or "meat vessel" as his inhabitant liked to call it, of Bill Cipher. "And anyway what are you doing here?"
"Looking after my property!" He said putting his arm around Dipper's neck as they walked down the hallway. He was wearing an oddly normal outfit. A sweater with a representation of himself that Mable had given him, black jeans and converse. Other than the eyepatch and the permanent small dark triangle that looked like a tattoo under his eye anyone that passed by him would think he is normal. Pretty different from what he used to wear when only the Pines could see him.
"Look, Bill" Dipper said taking the demons arm away. "Summer is over. It was terrible and now it's over. So leave me alone."
"Look, kid, if I remember it correctly your mind is mine now." Unfortunately, he did remember correctly. "And terrible? Okay, you sold your soul to a demon and found out you like guys so what?"
"Shut up!" He whispered angrily looking around to see if anyone was watching. "I don't want you leaking it to anyone else!"
"Come on, Pine tree! You aren't still mad about that are you?" Bill said coming closer to Dipper.
The bell rang and Dipper shoved the demon away.
"Just leave me alone, will you?" He said walking towards his next class.
"Wait! Pine tree!" Bill screamed trying to reach his tiny human but was interrupted by the Northwest girl that was saying something about welcoming him to school and first day at Gravity Fall High.
Dipper kept walking and trying not to glance back. He couldn't. It didn't matter how mad he was at Bill, he just couldn't let Pacifica Northwest hit on his summer boyfriend.

Dipper's first class was physics. It wasn't that he didn't like physics, he actually loved it! But after spending six years have private classes with a guy that had 12 PhDs all of them remotely related to physics it was a bit hard for the school to teach him anything new. And so he sat at his table trying to entertain himself. It didn't matter how hard he tried Bill would get out of his head. His relationship with Pacifica was definetly in the unmeasured hatred towards each other level. He kept thinking of Pacifica "greeting the new guy". Yeah sure. If the "new guy" wasn't a hot, blonde with an incredibly beautiful smile he wanted to see Pacifica go and greet him.
"Own are you getting jealous?" Bill's voice rung in his head. The worst thing was that now he truly couldn't guess if it was just his stupid imagination or the demon messing with him.
So he turned his thought to the next thing that he knew could keep his mind occupied: Mable. He smiled at just the thought of her. He loved his sister so deeply he couldn't even describe it. But then the accident came to his mind.
The day was nothing out of the ordinary. The mystery twins were at it again! So many years had gone by that they were already used to the nickname, had even grown fond of it. They had gone to a river close to town to investigate some kind of water demon/monster that could posses water. Ford couldn't come so it was just Dipper and Mable. They had been there for sometime when the water started making waves and taking a form.
"Quick! Mable, turn on the camera!" Dipper screamed for his sister.
"One step ahead of you, bro bro." She replied pointing the camera at him.
"This is Dipper's guide to the unexplained, number 354. Water de-" Dipper was interrupted by a huge wave that turned their boat. He swan to the surface of the agitated river and started to look around trying to find his sister. He saw her a bit in front of him. He swam to her just to see that Mable was unconscious and had a cut on her forehead. She was bleeding and it made Dipper desperate. To make things better he could hear a waterfall in front of them.
"Great! This is all I needed right now!" He scream to the air trying to swim and carry his sister but the water kept pulling him towards the waterfall. The tears started rolling down his cheeks. One week of summer and he was going to get his sister killed.
That's when everything turned black and white and he heard the familiar voice of his latest obsession.
"Pine tree! What a lovely surprise!"
"Seriously, Bill you only show up at the best times don't you?!"
"Look, Pine tree, I'm not here to play games. I saw you were in trouble there and came to help."
"I don't need your help!"
"Looks like you do! And that waterfall looks pretty big for an unconscious person to make out alive."
"Do you really think I will believe you?!"
That's when Dipper felt his body get lighter. They were falling. He looked down and the waterfall was indeed pretty big.
"Last chance kid!" Bill said floating next to them.
"Okay, okay! What do you want, pyramid?!" He screamed to the demon.
"Give me your mind and I'll take both you and your sister out of this mess."
Dipper looked at the small pyramid demon with shock then at the unconscious and bleeding Mable.
"Urg fine! Just get my sister out of this!" Dipper said shaking Bill's hand and felling the blue flames take his. Out of a sudden, they were both laying next to the river safe and sound.
"What happened?" Mable said getting up and rubbing her head.
"Mable! I can't believe you're okay!" Dipper said excitedly hugging his sister.
"Wow, what happened Dipper?"
"Your brother here gave me his soul in exchange for your well-being, Shooting Star!" Dipper turned to see Bill Cipher standing next to them in human form. He carried a cane in his hands, the top hat stood magicaly on his head and he was wearing a suit and bowtie with wierd and yet bueatiful pyramid patterns. "Like my new meat vessel, Pine tree?"
He came back to the physics class as if he just woken up from a dream. He had drawn a pretty accurate picture of Bill in his demon form in that while.
After that he started remembering how Bill would always stay close to him during the summer, until the day they had their first kiss and the day they started dating and the day he told Mable and she was absolutely crazy about it. He shook his head again. He had to be angry at Bill, he was angry at Bill! After all, he had always intended on telling Ford and Stan that he was gay but he didn't expected them to find out walking to him and Bill making out in the porch. And Bill knew it would happen. Dipper saw in his eyes he knew. The way he greeted his old pal sixer. The God damn demon knew they were going to leave the Mystery Shack and see it.
The bell rang and he went to his next class.

The day went by and Dipper had successfully avoided Bill Cipher. He was standing next to the school exit waiting for Mable when the demon sneaked up on him.
"Had a nice day, Pine tree?" He said grabbing Dipper's waist and bringing it closer to him.
"What did I say about leaving me alone?"
"Come on, Pine tree! Be reasonable!"
"I am being reasonable! And stop calling me Pine tree."
"Look Dipper!" That gripped Dipper's attention. Bill never called him by his first name. "I knew Stan and Ford were going to see us kissing okay?! I already apologized! Not once, not twice but several times." He stopped and breathed deeply. "These summer was the best time I had in the last 3.000 years and it was because of you. So please forgive me I don't know what I'll do if I can't be with my little Dippingsauce any longer." He stopped again and looked deep into Dipper's eyes with his uncovered yellow eye. "I love you, Pine tree."
Dipper put his hand on the demons face and kissed him.
"I love you too, Cipher." And Bill kissed him

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