"Yes, Manibear I can," she rolled her eyes.

"Okay can I have a 7 Up with Captain Morgan please?" Normani requested happily.

"Coming right up." She mixed the vodka and soda together and then handed it to her friend eager to see her reaction.

"So good, Lo thanks," Normani said taking a few sips from her drink.

"You're very welcome," Lauren exclaimed brightly as she looked around the room in hopes to find a certain brunette. She knew Camila was going to be here but didn't know when. She wanted to talk to her tonight and maybe tell her how she felt but she didn't want to leave Normani alone since she was going to be drunk later.

"Go on and look for her," Normani smiled at her best friend.

"What are you talking about?" Lauren asked trying to make it seem like she wasn't looking for Camila.

"I'm fine right now. I'll go find Ally before I get too drunk. Go find Camila, I know you're dying to see her tonight."

"Pshhh and what makes you think that?" Lauren scoffed.

"Please Lauren, when she talks to you, you're mesmerized and absolutely adore her. You can't stop smiling and you look at her as if she's the most precious thing you've ever seen. You're the only one who laughs at her lame jokes and don't think you're so sly when you check her out, I notice it all the time. She's different and I know that because you admire more than just her body," Normani laughed.

"Oh gosh," Lauren whispered and rolled her eyes. What her best friend said was true. Lauren acted a lot different around Camila than other people. She was so chivalrous that she would sometimes open the door for the Cuban or carry her books. She didn't do that for any of the other girls she's "been with." Call it creepy but Lauren would also catch herself gazing at the actress in their classes. She couldn't help it though, Camila was so beautiful that she wanted to admire every inch of her.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed it's super cute. You guys would be adorable together. She might be into you too, just go talk to her," Normani encouraged.

"I guess my crush on her is too big to go unnoticed. I'm a complete fool around her, Mani. A girl has never made me feel like how she makes me feel which is like everything. Not even you know who," Lauren gave her a pointed look making Normani's eyes widen. "Do you think I should really take a chance on her?"

"Of course!" she exclaimed. Normani nodded and she was right. It was finally time for Lauren to go make her move and tonight would be it. That being said, Ally walked up to them just in time for Lauren to go find her crush.

"Okay, Ally, I'm leaving Mani with you. Take good care of her; she can get wild," Lauren explained.

"I got it from here, Lo. Go get your girl!" Ally hollered.

Geez, did everyone know that I liked Camila? Lauren thought. She left the two and began her search.

"So, this is a high school party," Camila said looking around at all the sweaty drunk kids dancing and making out with each other.

"Yeah, isn't it fun?" Dinah beamed.

"Umm, I guess," Camila answered uncertain of what to think. She looked around the room again trying to search for a certain someone she knew who was going to be there.

"Oh, Mila I know what you're doing. You're trying to find your little crush Lolo aren't you?" Dinah smirked with a cocked eyebrow.

Camila was taken back at the Poly's words. "Um what? What crush?" she chuckled trying to seem like that wasn't the truth.

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