Broken | Pentatonix

559 18 16

Part One

Third Person POV

Mitch slammed his fist on the table, wincing the second it made contact. "We can't end it all! We can keep going!"

"Mitch, we have to. We have no inspiration. We're all being drawn away, us with Superfruit, Avi and Kirstie with their love life, and Kevin with his other albums," Scott replied, his nonexistent eyes brows furrowing with frustration.

Mitch just wouldn't give it up.

"Scott's right," Kirstie piped up, blushing slightly with the mention of her relationship with Avi. "it's time to break up."


"Mitch," Avi growled. "give it up. It's over."

The youngest member of Pentatonix frowned, tears threatening to burst from his brown eyes. "We've been together for so long! Come on, guys.."

Kevin finally spoke. "Let's vote. Who wants to break up?"

Everyone but Mitch raised their hands. The man sighed in defeat, a single tear slipping from his eye.

"Who wants to stay together?"

Mitch raised his hand, reluctant. He knew it was over.

"That settles it," Kevin said, rising from his chair. "I'll see ya'll around."

"Wait, you're leaving now?" Mitch whimpered, watching Kirstie and Avi follow his lead.

Scott rose as well and followed them. "See you tomorrow, Mitch."

No one answered his question. Mitch was left alone in the conference room, crying silently.

Pentatonix was broken.



*Morgan Freeman voice* I can smell you

Note - This takes place before they planned their 2016 world tour

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