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I thumbed through an old looking book, flipping the yellowed pages greedily. I stopped at an illustration, my eyes widening at the sight of it. A large black figure stood on two legs. It was shrouded behind a cloud of fog, ominous eyes staring at me. The picture was in black and white, but I knew it the eyes would be red. 

Underneath the animal read that it was La Bete. 

I began to scan the paragraph that accompanied it, but someone cleared their throat. Startled, I whipped around. A man stood in the doorway, his arms crossed his chest and a friendly smile on his face.

"Like what you see? This ones more than a hundred years old." Mr Argent gestured to the book in my hands.

I was at Allison's, attempting to help her and Lydia get ready for their double date. Since that comprised of sitting in a corner as Lydia viciously attacked Allison's clothing choices, I had wandered into a study and started researching. All under the guise of the lost friend, of course.

"Yeah it's super cool! I'm sorry if I'm intruding, I was trying to find the bathroom and I got totally lost. This room is awesome." I apologized  with a fake sheepish smile. Mr Argent bought it, strolling forward to see the novel I held.

"Ah! A good choice, with all the animal attacks recently. La Bete." He said seriously. I sent him a slightly odd look. He had a slightly threatening undertone in his voice. Noticing my discomfort, he continued. "Do you know what Argent means in French, India?"

I stared up at him, slightly defiant. Shutting the book, I placed it back on the shelf. "Silver." 

Mr Argent nodded, satisfied by my answer. "Legends say that la Bete attacked a village in France, killing hundreds. The monstrosity was finally killed by a man. His name was Argent. Quite ironic, isn't it? Silver killing a werewolf like La Bete?"

"Thanks for the lesson in your family history, Mr Argent, but I really do need to get find that bathroom." I sent a fake smile at the intimidating man. Brushing past him, I made a move to leave the room.

"India." His clear voice rang out, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around hesitantly. His face held a slightly malicious smile. "Your hair is a pretty unusual shade. Were you born with it?" The way he asked, it was like he already knew the answer. Like he wanted to confirm something.

"No." I turned on my heel and left the pensive man alone in the study. After a direction from Mrs Argent, who was even more intimidating than her husband, I found the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and slid to the ground. The Argents were keeping a watchful eye over me. For what reason, I had no clue but they knew something about my hair. Their lives were built off the supernatural, so if I was something they most likely knew what it was.

Never the less, I knew gray hair on a 16 year old wasn't enough to convince them I was something otherworldly. With that comforting thought in my head, I made my way back up to Allison's room. Lydia was laying on the bed, making snide comments about Allison's potential outfits.

"I see nothing has changed." I laughed. Allison let out a relieved sigh at my appearance but Lydia simply ignored me and threw herself in a damsel in distress position. 

"Allison, my respect for your taste is dwindling by the second." She cried dramatically. Turning on me, she glared. "I can't believe you're not coming with us tonight!" I shared an exasperated glance with the brunette as I jumped up to sit on her desk.

"You should wear a pair of light skinny jeans, a white shirt and that jacket you wore on your first day. And I'm busy tonight." I started fiddling through Allison's pencil sharpener. She let out a joyous laugh and started to root around.

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