|Chapter 8|

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Last night I heard something unexpected, It was Polina talking No way to her friend, I think I'm lucky I heard ALL the conversation, It just started when I wanted to drink water, I went to kitchen and drank water. On my way back I heard mumbling, at first I thought she was talking to herself She has other people than you Fedya... because she was like "Answer" But...I am Polina... but then I realized she was talking to some because she said "Hey, why did you take so much time to answer?" I didn't know it was a boy or a girl ...You got pregnant?..She just left you for few hours... It was apparently a girl. So now you are sure of the baby's gender? They kept talking about ME, WOW SPOTLIGHTS ON YOU BOY! she was telling that girl everything, His blood type is AB and he is secretly afraid of clowns. I sat down near the door and put my ear close to the door, I didn't move a bone Whose bone exactly? so she won't suspect anything. The conversation took one hour and If it took more I wouldn't mind Love sitting next to the door and overhearing people. the last part of the conversation before they say good night, Polina said "Omg I don't believe he made me fall for him" She seems quite mad that you made her fall... and you call yourself a gentlemen *shaking my head*. That meant she likes me! Now you realized? It is weird that I wanted to know that! It ended up by they telling each other bye How could you hear what was I saying to her?Are you a bat? I can understand you hearing what Polina says but me, beyond impossible. I'm really starting to doubt your identity. and I slowly and putted the pillow on my face, #Suicide. That's how you react when you know someone likes you. I also like her but I will never tell her neither she will, whereas she said she likes me, not in front of me, behind my back Not satisfied enough? but I heard it, I don't know if I should tell Senya or not. Teen girls' problems.


I woke up extra early LIES so I can go to the restaurant The restaurant opens at 6 am? find the guy who brainwashed my friend and made her go all mushy, I DON'T ACCEPT THAT, MY AUTHORITY OVER HER IS..I'M HER MOMMY.. It is not like I'm stopping her of falling love with someone, I'm just trying to prevent this moment when he will say "Sorry it is me, not you I don't like you". I'm going to discover If he worth it or not Baby I'm worth it. I went to Clade Monet and sat down, near the door,on the ground. ordered Bonjor meat The only thing on the menu and it was really delicious, though I'm not a fan of meat. My fandom is not meat, OK?! After I finished the meal, I directly went towards Mr.M office How did you know where was it? I just pushed the door and said "Who made this delicious meat? I mean Bonjour meat". He just looked at me like I'm crazy (which I am) "A chef of course" Swinging his bottle of wine Sexually harassing the bottle. Drinking problems for real.

"Of course you drank Vampires in the city. I meant a specif one"

"Fedya the asshole, now get out" Gandalf the Grey and Fedya the Asshole.

"I wanna meet him"

"Push the kitchen door and call for him" AHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the instructions. So I pushed the kitchen's door and looked for the blond one, finally I found that asshole I was staring at him Stop staring at the 'asshole' like he had two heads Blond asshole with two heads (WANTED) "Are you Fedya?" I asked and he turned and said "Yes,what?" Talking asshole

I didn't know what to say so I said "Your meat, FEEED ME! Bonjour meat is marvelous"

"Thank you at least it is not disgusting"

"Yeah, when was it?" WHAT?

"Once it was, a girl called Polina almost killed me for it" Why would you say that.. Leaking her personal information like that, SHAME ON YOU.

"Really? she is my friend" Having a convo in the middle of the kitchen, great. Btw other chefs do not exist.

"Oh really? She is my friend too" Why did you just copy what I said?

"I'm Younis and I already know your name, but don't wonder why" FBI (SUPER-CONFIDENTIAL) And I got out really fast. Damn Polina she should at least tell me what to do or say Instructions please. I texted her "I met your love". "I don't accept this relationship break up now, -Your daddy"


It was weird how a girl (Polina's friend) came and asked me about my name and how she liked my meat She asked you if she liked your meat? in addition Mr.M called me to his office. "Boss, boss you called me?" Yes, Yes, I did.

"Yes, I called you to tell you that you will work more late than usual with more salary" #Dirtymindedthoughts.

"I didn't ask for this boss"

"I don't care, I decided things here and you just do it"

"Yes boss as you say" ''Yes mommy'' Sadly said Fedya and went and cried under his blanket.

I got out of Mr.M office feeling like someone who was hitten by a train. People who got hitten by the train don't feel anything.

"What happened ?" Got hitten by a train. Senya asked from nowhere.

"Just got kind of promotion includes working late with more salary"

Senya looked like he knew something I don't #Dirtymindedthoughts. "Congrats, you should be very happy now"

"You think? No way". ahahahahaha he is surprised his friend thought.

"It is ok" Patting me Who did that?

"Thanks dude"

I was laughing talking to Senya half the day No work to do I wonder if something happened to her #RandomThoughts.


Work is exhausting, I just have to do what Mr.Dick says. The problem is he changed his mind every single second like "What if the book name should be more colourful" then the next second "I think it will be better if we stick to one colour" When I was thinking of the colours I got a text from Younis saying "I met your love" I replied "How was it" After almost 30 minutes she replied back I'm telling you I'm one heck of a busy person "Meet me in Clande Monet , at your lunch time" The lunch time is in 20 minutes. Dramatic pause.

(Lunch time)(Polina)

I arrived and waited for Younis, when she arrived she said "sorry for being late"

"It is ok"

"Now tell me what happened?" She told everything and we were laughing at the weird story while smoking weed.


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I'm educating you, OK?! (don't listen to me)

Ja na!


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