"They shouldn't find us here." Strong shut the door behind them and Julia was reminded as to why she was here.

"Who's 'they'?" Marc asked him.

Strong pretended not to hear him, "I would offer you both a drink but I don't think I have anything in. I normally pop to the shops before I come here but today's visit is quite unplanned."

"How often do you come here?" Julia remembered the key, "Commander, what is this place? And what has it got to do with Safia?"

"Sit, sit," Strong ushered them towards the sofa and Julia reluctantly perched herself on the edge whilst Marc took the space next to her.

Commander Strong carried a chair in from the bedroom and set it opposite them. Julia felt as if she had been called in front of the head master and was expecting to be told off any moment.

"To answer your question, Julia, I started renting this flat a few days after I discovered that I was being followed. I thought it would be a good idea to have somewhere that probably isn't bugged."

Julia and Marc looked at each other from the corner of their eyes.

Strong leaned forward and rested his hands on his knees as he saw their small exchange, "So you two know that you're being followed. Good."

"But who is following us? And why?" Marc asked, taking the matter more seriously.

"And what has this got to do with Safia?" Julia added.

"I'm getting there," Strong stretched out a hand towards Julia, motioning for her to relax, before he answered Marc's question, "MI5. They're concerned you may something about an operation they're trying to keep under wraps."

Julia frowned, "But they only just started following us about a week ago, how could we know anything about an operation?"

"The operation has been ongoing for a couple of months now," Strong replied, "But only recently has international tension been this high and today-" Strong let out a long breath, "Today marked the third failed attempt to solve the issue."

Julia let out her own sigh as Strong kept tiptoeing around, "What is the main issue and why would MI5 think we know about it?"

"Because of me and our relationship," Strong's eyes turned sad at the corners, "They were worried that I could not remain impartial."

Julia and Marc could tell that this was difficult for him. His shoulders were slumped forward as he seemed to battle with himself as to whether he ought to tell them what he knew or not.

On the one hand he had signed a secrecy pact but on the other Marc and Jules were his Marines and this affected them perfectly. And MI5 had had their chance.

"And they were right," Strong sat up straight and his voice had raised in volume, "I cannot remain impartial, not any more, not when I believe the security of our nation to be at risk as well."

Julia and Marc's back instantly straightened, preparing for duty.

"Marc, pick up that book there." Strong pointed to a blue hardback book with the word 'Mathematics' stamped across the front as he got to his feet and disappeared back inside the bedroom.

Marc gathered up the five hundred paged book and turned it over in his hand. He arched an eyebrow at Jules as if to say 'what's so important about this?'

As he turned it over, Jules caught a glimpse of a slight gap about half way through the pages which shouldn't have been there.

Jules held out her hand and Marc placed the book carefully into her palm. Holding it shut, Julia shook the book slightly and heard something rattle inside of it. Marc frowned as he heard it too.

12 Minutes (#2 in Military series)Where stories live. Discover now