peter piper

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my name's a tongue twister

i'm peter piper

i'm the girl who sells seashells on the seashore.

my hair's the color

of a night sky

you can't bleach my skin

but you won't fail to try.

you try and rip my roots

out from where they start.

but i'm like an oak tree-

my roots will never stop.

you try and hold me back now,

but i will rise i will rise, i will rise

i cannot lie to you

yet i can't tell the truth

i like to close my eyes and see my dreams coming true.

my eyes are a reflection

of a muddy day dark sky

my mouth cannot speak,

you've got my tongue tied.

my name's a tongue twister

i'm peter piper

i'm the girl who sells seashells on the seashore.

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