Chapter 29

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Yuri's POV

The day flew off passed for the four of us having fun. We drove Taeyeon and Tiffany to Tiffany's house, saying goodbyes. Jessica and I got into the car, texting Taeyeon.

Message sent:
Dude it's still 7 in the evening. Hurry up in there and I texted the cliques to wait outside your house.

I got a text from her in just a minute or two.

From: Taengoo~
Wae? Is there any event I forgot?

Message sent:
None. You said you want to start the preparation as soon as possible.

From Taengoo~
Ah yeah. Okay. I'm coming.

We've waited for about 10 minutes and I can see Taeyeon's head popping out. They are so sweet in just saying goodbyes. I'm so happy for my buddy.

I just noticed that my princess already fallen asleep. Hmm. Must be tired from all the fun today, I'l just wake her up when we reached Taengoo's house.

Taengoo knocked on my window and she got inside.

"Whoah! I thought she would whine to stay for a while in there." She chuckled.

"You look like peanut butter and jelly dude. Can't get enough of each other huh?" I teased her, looking at her through the mirror.

"Uhhhh... Yeah?" Her cheeks turned red.

I shaked my head and started to turn up the engine.

The car was filled up of silence.

"Taeng I think you must avoid Fany for a week" She leaned her chin on her two hands resting between our seat of Jessica.

"Wae?" She asked me.

"So you can focus on preparing? Errmmm... I promise you, she'll be more surprise" I suggested.

"Don't worry I'll help you comforting Tiffany while your prepare for your song, the surprise and stuffs" A cold yet sweet voice joined the conversation.

"Oh you're awake princess?" I kissed Jessica's forehead as the stop lights red.

"But what if she gets mad and ...." Taeyeon protested and Jessica cut her off.

"Just stay calm okay?" This will work out better.

"Arrasso" Taeyeon replied shortly and slumped her back on her seat.

"I guess I have a whiny Taenggoo and you have a whiny Tiffany for a week" We chuckled.

"Anni! I won't whine! I'll fo everything just for my Tiffany. If this will be more surprising then I'll go with it" She smiled cheekily through the mirror.

Minutes passed and we reached her house with the cliques waiting outside. We got off and hugged them, apologizing for making them wait.

"So let's get inside and start the plan?"

They all nodded and proceeded inside Taeyeon's house.


Taeyeon's POV

We sat on the sofa and talk about the surprise.

"Wait, before we start, why does you really support Taengoo in this? Is this her first......"

They all nodded. "It's her first time to do this" Sunny said that caused Jessica's eyes widen.

"Huh? So you've never had a girlfriend nor boyfriend?" She turned her gaze to me.

"I had but it's like that I am dead serious on it" I told her. We've been friends but shr never asked me if I had a relationship already. Complicated Jessica isn't it? Tsk.

"You've better be serious to my bestfriend or else...." She said in her coldest voice and used her thumb to draw an imaginary straight line on her neck.

I gulped and rubbed my neck. "Ofcourse I-I'm serious about my feelings to Tiff"

The atmosphere becomes cold until Yoona broke it when she landed herself to Sooyoung.

"Yyaaaaaaa! That's my food!" Here we go again. After few minutes of commotion, the atmosphere died down.

"So Taeng when will you proposed?" Sunny looked at me.

"The sooner the better. I can finish my song in I think two to three days. Can we finish the preparation in that fast?"

"Nae Taengoo don't worry." Sooyoung patted my back.

"By the way, why so rush?" Yoona asked me. Yuri butted in "We're planning that Taengoo will avoid Tiffany in those days. It'll be more surprise right?"

Everybody nodded. "Ahah! See I told you Taeng. Geezz Am so witty and hot. Sooooo lucky to have myself" This is the time everybody imaginary puked inclufing Jessica.

We laughed at Yul's expression. "Okay so let's start this?" I stopped them before Yul get mad like a baby.

"You can stay the night until the preparation and we can spend more time together right?" Everybody cheered.

Yoona and Sooyoung planned for the food. As usual. -,-

Sunny called her connections for the place and arrangements while me and Yul helped each other to think on how to propose. Specifically on my song.

Jessica think ways on how to get Tiffany busy and reasons for everyday that I won't be around her. She will be the one who'll accompany Tiff on that day.

This will be hard for me and especially for Tiff. But this is for the best. Haha :3 Drama xD


On my room----

"So how's your song?" Yul asked me with a hint of curiousity.

I showed her the first verse, the chorus and the not yet finished second verse. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Wae? Something wrong Yul?"

She hugged me. "It's beautiful" I laughed at her gayness. "So gay dude but thanks!" I patted her back.

We went downstairs to checked Jessica and the clique.

"Taengoo, I've already contacted the place. It's beautiful in there, they said it'll cost a little high but I know price is not an issue so I said yes already. We'll check it tomorrow 'kay?" Sunny said in her fast pace and smiled on the last. I know... I'm so lucky to have them.

"We'll be in charge of the foods" The two shikshins said in unison. I nodded and laughed at them.

"It's a day and I have my clothes in here right Taeng? I'll just lend some to Jessica" Yuri said while looking at the yawning Jessica.

"Let's go princess" Jessica pouted and Yul initiated a piggy-back that caused Jessica to smile. She piggybacked her upstairs with Jessica sleeping on her back.

"Goodnight guys" Yuri smiled. "You know where's your room Yul" I said. "Nae" her voice echoed from the hallway.

I sighed and smiled to the three. "You three have your own rooms in here so sleep now and we'll be early tomorrow"

Asking the housekeeper to clean the sofa and take a rest to prepare an early breakfast on the next day, I finally got into my room.

My plan starts right now. I texted Fany witb unusual message.

Message sent:
You must be asleep right now, I just want to say that I'll be busy for two-three days Baby. Please always take care of yourself. Never skip your foods okay? And always remember that Iloveyou no matter what. Goodnight.

I smiled thinking that after few days she'll be surprised. Just hold on my Fany. I promise you I'll make you happy after this.

I finished the second verse of the song thinking what would happen on the night that I'll propose. But I hope the lyrics would be on the right timing.

Slipping on my bed. I kissed Tiffany and I's picture on my phone and dozed off.

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