Ch. 1: Charity

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~Christina's PoV~

Today is February 7th, and a famous person is supposedly coming to visit. We are used to this type of thing. Celebrities come for the good press and all the little girls get there hopes up thinking they are going to get adopted. I never do because I know this isn't Annie.

We are supposed to wake up at 7:00 am, thirty minutes earlier than normal. It's not too bad here. We eat and clean and mostly play pretend to pass time. It's okay, but it isn't how it should be. I'm one of the older ones here, which means I probably wont ever get adopted.

Since there are going to be cameras everywhere, we have to look our best. For Christmas, I got a flat iron for my curly hair, some make up, and clothes. I think someone made me an angel and put me up at the grocery store, but either way, I am thankful. I get up around 5. I like being the only one up in the house, it's comforting.

I shower and decide to get ready before everything gets hectic. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a family. I was brought here when I was just around a year old. I've never been adopted and I think it's because of how I look. I've got tanned skin, sort of like someone from Florida, and I have long curly brown hair, and hazel eyes, but most of the people who get adopted are blonde haired and blue eyed. I snap out of my fantasy world and dry my hair and put on my outfit. While most girls wear dresses on days like this, I wear the outfit I asked for: A blue beanie, jeans that are rolled up at the bottom, a Beatles shirt tucked in, and some black on black converse. After getting dressed, I wing my eyeliner, brush my teeth, and put on some cherry chapstick.

Music is very important to me, if you can't already tell. I listen to the radio that's hidden in the attic whenever I get a chance. I love older music like the Beatles, but I also like new age music like Twenty One Pilots and Halsey. I've never understood why music isn't played more often around here when it can make people so much happier.

Eventually the time comes where everyone is up and shuffling around trying to get ready for the special guest. We hear the door bell and everyone floods down the hallways and stairs. I slowly walk because honestly, I don't know what is so exciting.

Cameras soon come in and a famous guy walks in. There are so many people that I can't even see. I hear squealing and the snap that let's everyone know a picture has been taken. "Girls, please, quiet down." I hear Mrs. Strand, the owner of the Girls' Orphanage, say. "Josh Hutcherson is very excited to be here and would even like some pictures with you!" She speaks.

I know who he is. He's from The Hunger Games, Zathura, and I think something called Bridge To Terabithia, with Anna Sophia Robb. I know now that I will never get a picture with him, so I decide to go to the dining hall, where the back door is.

I sneak outside and sit on the curb dreaming about life outside of this place. A few minutes later, the door opens. "Woah, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." A man says. My heart stops. Josh Hutcherson is talking to me. Stay cool. "It's alright." I say. "What's your name?" He asks. "Christina." I say. "Well, I'm Josh." He says He sits down next to me. "So, what's it like being, Here?" He asks. "It's alright, I've always dreamed of something more. " He nods and looks away, his eyes watery. Is he crying... for me?

"Will you come in with me, and take a picture?" He asks looking at the ground. My heart sinks, but I nod and we walk in together. We take a picture and right after he looks Mrs. Strand in the eyes and says the words I never thought I'd hear, "Can I adopt her?" He swallows and the room falls silent.

A/N: New book. Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks for reading. Love always, JlovesPizza!

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