Sketch #3

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Sketch #3


Deidara stared off into space, wondering what Rina had meant. She was so vague, yet it was so straightforward.

I don't know whether to believe her or not, hm, Dei thought with a small frown. After thinking some more, he decided to pay her another visit. The girl was a mystery. She dreamt up random things that she claimed would happen to Deidara – what was she doing, predicting the future?

Nah, un. Maybe not...all of that is a lie, un. Dei shrugged to himself, but found that his mental words were nothing but talk. Dammit, un! I don't not believe her, but I don't believe her either, hm! This is frustrating, yeah...

The young blonde shook his head and carried on ahead, trying to think of something else. His mind wandered off to the pictures that he first saw – the drawings of blood.

Just what is that, hm? Dei stroked his imaginary beard in thought. The artist jumped into the forest, hoping to see the girl again.

When he arrived at the boulder and jumped on top, he was surprised to see that Rina was already there, staring his way, holding the sketchbook in her lap as she sat crossed legged.

"Hello Deidara." She smiled and tilted her head as she did so.

Dei stared at her strangely before sitting down somewhere where he wouldn't fall off. He felt a little unnerved, seeing Rina stare at him for a long time. "W-what are you staring at me for, un?"

"You have ask me." She pointed to the blood pictures that were still on the rock, "...about those."

Deidara's blue eyes widened. How did she know about that? He didn't tell anybody, and he recently only thought of it as well!

How the hell, un...? Dei was speechless.

Noticing that he wasn't going to say anything yet, Rina opened up the sketchbook, having come prepared. She had dreamt of what was going to happen that day, and thus prepared accordingly. She flipped a few pages and showed Deidara.

"This is a war I dreamt about...I don't know when it will be...but I saw you in it." Rina tapped her finger onto Deidara's face on the page. He was dressed in a cloak, but his eyes were strangely coloured and it looked like his skin was cracking like dehydrated land.

"That's me, un?" Deidara blinked a few times and inspected the page with curiosity. He was standing next to that red head from the previous pictures, with a large clay bird behind him.

"Yes." The female flicked to the next page, revealing a picture of a female praying. They looked rich and noble, but the feeling of the picture was not extravagant, but rather sad.

"Who's this, hm?"

"...I don't know." Rina admitted.

Dei gave her a funny look. Wasn't she supposed to know, or at least have a tiny idea of who the person was?

"This was a fuzzy part of my dream..." Rina pressed a finger to her forehead and closed her eyes, trying to remember. She saw images flashing through her mind and tried to find the right one. Once she did, she opened her golden eyes again, "She's praying...but I don't know what she's saying...she's really sad..."

"Why are all the girls you dream about sad, un?" Deidara pointed out bluntly.

Taken aback, the female flipped the page, not answering his question.

Why is she silent, hm? Deidara wondered.

"The war ended...and two people were the people's saviours..." Rina's eyes narrowed at the silhouettes she drew, then flipped to another page, which had nothing on it. She stared at it for a long time, confusing Deidara.

"How do you dream these things, un?" Dei inquired.

"I don't know..." Rina replied. She placed the book down by her side and went on her knees, turning to the blood drawings. She pointed to one and gestured Deidara to come over. He peered over and saw that it was a picture roughly resembling him, standing on a large bird. "This is you."

"Me, un?" Dei stared at it with question. She sounded so confident in her words all of a sudden, as if she was sure that it was him with no mistake.

He realised that those blood pictures were there before he even met her – it confused the blonde all the more.

"Yes." Rina nodded once and crawled to another side, pointing to a picture of a male with long dark bangs on the sides of his face along with a low ponytail and feminine eyes. He wore the same thing that 'Deidara' wore, and had similar features where the skin looked like cracked land. "You didn't like this person." Rina tapped the picture's face.

"Hah? What's that supposed to mean, hm?" Deidara frowned and crossed his arms.

"I don't have to ask yourself that." Rina crossed her legs again and sat peacefully.

Dei made a face but sighed and stood up, ready to go. "I have to get back to training."

"I know...have fun." Rina gave him a small smile and waved.

Dei jumped down, going over what he had heard. Was it just a coincidence that she knew that he came there to ask about those pictures of blood? Was it a coincidence that she had drawn him before he even made an appearance to her?

The blonde shook his head and huffed, "No way, un..." He muttered.

Rina tilted her head at Dei's words, having heard them from above.

I guess I'll go home...Rina carefully climbed down the rock from the other side and made her way back to the orphanage at the edge of the forest.

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