Sketch #10

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Sketch #10


So she was right, hm? Deidara thought to himself. He stood up after being called from outside the temple he resided in, the clay in his hands. He turned to see who he expected, seeing a group of familiar men.

"What do you want, hm?" Deidara placed a hand on his hip.

"We want you to destroy a certain something." One of the men stepped forward and smirked slightly.

Deidara's blue eyes slightly narrowed.

"And what is that, un?"


And she's right again, un. Deidara mentally punched himself for not believing her back then. He glanced at the people in the red clouded robes and saw the one that she said that he would dislike, as well as the puppet.

"Join Akatsuki."


Rina sighed deeply and tapped her fingers against the table. She was waiting for a parcel that would be coming, addressed to her.

When's it going to come? She recalled her dream – it should be coming very soon.

The doorbell rung and she jumped up to reach the door, opening it almost immediately. She exclaimed in surprise when she saw the mail person, her jaw hanging open.

"Hey, Rina, stop drooling and start taking, un." Deidara rolled his eyes and shoved the parcel into her hands, a brow raised.

She took the parcel and made a funny face, "I'm not drooling!" She huffed with annoyance.

"You were, un." Dei teased with a grin.

Rina was shocked – he hadn't visited her once at all, and in that while that he didn't, he was out causing havoc!

Behind Deidara was the big puppet. That puppet's deep voice sounded as if it was frowning at Rina, "What, so you came to see this brat?"

"I'm not a brat." Rina narrowed her eyes at the puppet. She turned back to Deidara, taking in his more mature appearance. "You've grown, Deidara. Long-time no see."

"Sorry for not visiting before, un, but things got a little hectic and—" Deidara explained.

"Why don't you two criminals come in?" Rina held a small smirk as she cleared the doorway.

Deidara made a face, "What, even you, un?"

"I didn't say I would arrest you, did I? Now come in." Rina turned her attention to her friend's partner in crime, "Get out of that puppet – it won't be able to come in through the door if you stay in that."

Deidara made an 'o' with his mouth when he remembered that she knew about what he really looked like, "Ah, Sasori no Danna, she already knows your face, yeah." He strolled into the house and looked around, marvelling at the cleanliness.

Sasori made a weird sound that sounded like a grunt, but got out of the puppet. He was slightly surprised that this Rina girl had seen through his disguise.

"I'm watching you." He muttered as he passed her.

"It's okay. I won't do anything to you." Rina smiled.

Sasori eyed her with a narrowed eyed look before taking a seat at the dining table that Deidara sat on. Rina went off for a moment before coming back with light refreshments and tea.

"My parents aren't home and won't be coming back until later. They're on a business trip. So I can afford to let you guys in for now." Rina explained. She watched as Deidara sneakily took a lot of the food.

"Why were you so surprised to see me, hm?" Deidara said after eating.

"I didn't dream about this." She replied. "I only knew that a parcel was coming."

"Oh yeah, that, un." Deidara pointed to the parcel in question, "Open it after we leave, yeah."

"Alright." She went off to place it in her room and came back with a confused expression, "Wait, now that I think about it, why are you here in the first place?"

"We were in the area, un." Deidara licked his fingers and drank some tea.

"And now you're scarfing down all my food." Rina deadpanned.

Sasori chuckled and smirked at the blonde, "What a brat."

Deidara shrugged and kept his cool, which astonished the female, who knew that the old him would rampage about, saying that he wasn't.

"You're just jealous that you can't eat this in that puppet body of yours, Sasori no Danna, un." Deidara said cheekily.

"At least it's not as disgu—" Sasori retaliated.

"Guys, break it off. Go argue when you're not in this house." Rina sat down and leaned down on the table, "Other than that, tell me about what you've been doing these past many years that you haven't visited."

"Uh—" Deidara started.

"Tell me from the start." Rina smiled.

Feeling the menace from her words, Deidara laughed nervously but obliged. Her stare was still uncomfortable even after so many years and he shifted in his chair, trying to avoid her gaze.

"O-Okay, un."


After the duo left, Rina went to her room to fetch the parcel. Before opening it, she thought about what Akatsuki was. She knew that they were criminals but they didn't seem like bad people when she actually met them.

Weird. Maybe it's just because it's Deidara. Rina shrugged and opened up the parcel, looking inside.

She raised her brow when she saw a wooden box. Without another thought, she opened it and looked at its contents.

Rina laughed.

A sketchbook and a pen, hm?


"Wait a minute." Rina held the items in her hands and stared at them with a concentrated brow. Once she realised the material that it was made from, her eyes widened and she gaped.

Deidara blinked a few times when he heard her scream his name from Rina's house. He smirked and laughed when he heard it, "My job is done, hm!"

"What did you give her?" Sasori was back in Hiruko. "She sounds angry."

"Just something that she'd like, un." Deidara hummed and created a large dragon so that they could fly to their next location.

As they were about to set off, the door slammed opened and Rina stood there with the gift, an angry expression on her face.

"See? I told you." Sasori climbed onto the dragon.

"Hope you like it, yeah!" Deidara grinned and the dragon's wings began to flap.

"DEIDARA! Why would you!?" She shouted.

"Thanks, Rina, yeah! See ya!" He waved once before they flew.

Rina sighed and shook her head. She had already calmed down and breathed in a lungful of air, shouting at the top of her lungs, "THANK YOU DEIDARA!"

Upon hearing that, the blonde raised a hand in motion that he did.

"If Kakuzu heard of what you did he'd throw a fit." Sasori mused with a smirk.

"I used my own funds, un!" Dei crossed his arms.

"Brat, you're grinning too much."

"Shut up, un!"

Sketchbook [Deidara]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora