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Authors Note: I got tired towards the end so there may be some parts to edit still, I apologize.

The light fading from my sight made my skin crawl. Of all the things that could happen, being alone is by far my worst fear. "Please don't leave me," Desperately I called out to no reply. "I don't want to be alone,"No one would ever answer but that didn't stop me from continuing to whimper, and grasping for someone.

"Ugh that dream again" I said whilst rubbing my eyes, clearing them of tears. It's an idiotic fear but it won't ever leave me. "Enough with thoughts I need to get ready for practice," I whispered to myself in hopes of moving on from the nightmare. After getting ready I walked towards the door. When it opened there was a loud thump, I hit something with it, followed by an "Ow". When I peeked around the corner I saw Miyuki standing there rubbing his head. "What are you doing here?" He glared for a short while before returning to his regular cheeky facade. "The coach sent me here because you were late for practice. Haruichi told us what happened." Miyuki continued to rub the slowly forming lump upon his head. "What do you mean? I'm not late-" I began to say but remembered I never looked at the clock nor did the alarm ever go off. "Oh," My hands moved up to cover my face in embarrassment. "Yeah..... So you passed out huh?" His eyes dripped in concern while looking me up and down for any injuries. "Yeah It was probably from not drinking enough water that day and overworking myself," My face showed no signs of lying yet I knew the truth was not that. "I wa- I mean everyone was worried, especially Sawamura, he was extra annoying  today," His unusual stutter brought a light pink tint to his face. "I'm so sorry for causing such trouble," Bowing during the apology. When he saw this gesture he just waved his hands around. "It's fine, plus it shouldn't be me you should apologize to. Anyways we should head to practice since you're already late," Miyuki said with a more noticeable blush. "Y-yeah let's go," I began to run towards the field when I heard a voice behind me speak. "Don't overwork yourself," An abnormal voice coming from the man but all the more reason to follow what he said. "What are you my mother?" I yelled back, playfully pushing his concern off and heading to the fields. After arriving on the field I saw the coach with his usual glare, I jogged towards him. When I was close enough to the man I bowed and with the most convincingly apologetic voice said. "I'm sorry sir I over slept". "All the second string did was run so your fine, you did win the bet after all," Even though I could tell he was a bit peeved the coach still respected the deal we made earlier. "Senpai," I heard an energetic voice calling me from behind followed by another voice "(y-y/ln)". The coach sent me off and I turned to look at the people those voices belonged to and before me sat a puppy-like Sawamura and Haruichi waving at me. Running, I met them halfway. "I apologize for worrying you both," Sheepishly I rubbed the back of my neck, smiling as wide as I could possibly. "It's alright," they both spoke at the same time, smiling brightly. After countless reassurances from myself I convinved them both I was fine. Sawamura ran off to go work with Chris while Haruichi and I went to go practice fielding with the rest of second string. Practice ended quicker then expected, considering I was late, and I headed to class. As always it was boring as a snoring Sawamura slept through the whole thing. I was going to head to my next class when I noticed that in my locker sat a pink envelope. I opened the message and found a letter saying 'Meet me on the roof at lunch' in cursive pink ink. "This could either be what I think it is or some sort of kidnapping scheme," A sigh escaped my lips. When lunch time came I headed to the roof and when I arrived I saw a petite, cute brunette waiting for me. I went up to her and looked at here adorable blushing face. She looked up from the ground and said "(y/ln) please go out with me,". For a second I was surprised but then remembered I dressed as a boy. She was pretty cute too bad I'm not into girls. How should I let her down? Easy and sweet or lie and make it easier for her. "I'm sorry I'm already in love with someone," I said with the bow of my head, apologizing. "O-okay" A blush of embarrassment appeared before she ran off. "That was awkward," I whispered while lowering myself down to lie on the ground and cloud gaze. "Is that so?" A voice up above me spoke out. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by the sight of dark green hair and a giant smile. "Senpai?" His appearance was unexpected. "What, do I have something on my face? Kyahaha" He ended up laying down beside me. "N-no there isn't I was just surprised," My eyes once again closed. "Why did you lie?" Getting straight to the point his voice became cold. "So she wouldn't take it personally. I wanted to let her down sweetly, she seemed nice enough," A sigh escaped my lips. "Oh, well at least you're a good person. I thought it was something else," Kuromochi said with his voice returning to the usual cheery tone. 'I didn't know he was that sharp, maybe I should be more careful.' "Thanks I guess? So what brings you up here Senpai" Out of curiosity I had to ask. "Cloud watching," His gaze turned to the sky. We began to watch the clouds go by in pure silence when it was broken with a question "Are you guy?" Said the green haired boy beside me. This surprised me so much I coughed while saying stammering out "Excuse me?". After calming down he said "You heard me I have seen you reject beautiful girls for no reason," With a straight stern face. "I'm just not interested in a relationship, isn't that enough?" A blush forming from my embarrassing reaction. "I was kidding but whatever Kyahaha." The beautiful silence returned and was once again unfortunately broken by speaking. "Can you believe (y/n) was let off for being late, if one of us did that the coach would remove us," Gossip, oh how horrible it is. "I bet they are being paid by his dad," Another male said. Rage washed over me but I held it together. "He doesn't deserve to be on he team like we do," The first male spoke once more. I was about to just leave wwhen all of a sudden Kuromochi ran over to the ledge they were below and yelled at them. "Oi (y/ln)-kun has every right to be on the team as you do, you should show him some respect," This left me speechless. "Y-you didn't have to do that for me, I'm used to people saying things like that," Sad eyes appeared on my face. "(Y/ln) no one should have to put up with those idiots they don't deserve to be on the team, everyone on the field should support each other. That is what it means to be a teammate right? No matter what, you have to stick together whether it's off or on the field. If you can't even do that simple task you don't deserve to be called a teammate," Kuromochi hand lowered to me for help off the floor. The words he said shocked me more then anything, I never really had someone, everyone on the team ignored me out of hatred. No one has ever taken the time to help me, to lift me up. "T-thanks," A sad but thankful smile fell onto my face as I took his hand. 'So this is Seido, teamwork huh, I have never really thought about that before now. This team is full of some interesting guys. I'm happy I chose to come here.' "I hope I can become your teammate," My usual sadness was replaced with a strangely weird fuzzy feeling. So this is what I missed out on because of my father. "What do you mean? We already are teammates Kyahaha," Kuromochi laughed at my sentence. 'Maybe I should open up more.' At that moment my eyes shone brighter then any other moment, other then when I was little. But what I didn't know was that Kuromochi was hiding a blush under his hands, I don't think he had ever seen me smile so brightly. "Thanks but I have to go now see you later" I genuinely laughed as the bell rang, I ran off to class leaing Kuro behind. What I didn't see was the blushing mess Kuromochi ended up when I left the rooftop. The rest of the day was just practice and school. At the end of the day we had a game but since I passed out earlier I wasn't allowed to play. During the game Sawamura was failing but then Chris senpai decided to catch and they made a perfect battery. His eyes shone like nothing I had ever seen of him. Just watching these two got me pumped. Usually I would love to not play but right now I felt a burning passion because of these idiots. Sawamura struck out their best batter with the help of Chris. Though I do feel bad since he is probably never going to catch Sawamuras pitch again in a game. After the game the coach gathered us and announced that he was going to choose who was going up. When he did he called three names an the were "(y/n), Sawamura and Haruichi. When Sawamura heard this he was ecstatic until he realized he would never be with Chris again. Later Sawamura was crying but the Senpai's helped him with their 'wise' words. I wasn't very changed by this but I was actually quite happy I could be with Sawamura still. Then I just went back to my dorms after Sawamura was comforted. Poor guy I thought as I fell into a deep sleep.

Ace Of Hearts (Ace Of Diamond x reader Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora