A New Beggining

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Authors note: sorry if this sucks I'm not good at writing but here you go haha.

I slowly woke up to birds chirping, the sound of cars roaring and annoying children playing/yelling. "Ugh how fun it's morning, i would love to stay home but since it's the first day of 'wonderful' school I can't miss it and I would rather not be late since the whole strict family part," A sad sigh escaped my lips as I slowly got up. "(Y/N) get up it's time for school," Fathers voice flew up to my room with a tone of annoyance. "Just a moment," My words seeping with fake politeness, heading to the shower.


"So this is Seido," I whispered slowly, walking through the gates to the school. 'You know this would be a lot more fun if I didn't have to pretend to be a boy. Yeah you heard me right since boys tend to get a better scholarship in baseball and there is more coverage I had to go onto the boys team *le sigh* What an extreme pain, it's all my fathers fault too. If only he wasn't to hung u-.Suddenly I bumped into someone without realizing it, I was too deep in thought, looking up I was met with beautiful golden eyes. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't looking and I bumped into you sorry," I immediately say to the golden boy. " 's fine to be honest I wasn't looking either" The taller boy replied with a contagious grin that made me smile too. "Well I must be on my way um," Stopping, I realized I hadn't caught his name. "Sawamura Eijun," Golden eye once again released his idiotic smile. "Well it was nice meeting you Sawamura-kun but I must be off, and it's (y/n) (y/ln) maybe we might cross paths again until then". "Y-yeah" He says waving at me as I walked away.

"Hm... I wonder where the dorms could be," Speaking out loud as I casually strolled through the school grounds when I spotted the sign 'School Dorm'. "That must be it!" Skipping towards the sign when a strange noise rang out. "Kyahahahaha," When I turned towards the sound I saw the boy Sawamura-kun again but this time he was on the ground scared, staring wide eyes at a green haired boy who I presume the laugh came from. They began to talk but since they were too far I couldn't pick up a single word. Quickly I remembered the fact that I still had to find my own dorm. Approaching the door the farthest down on the first floor, I finally found it. "Ugh why does it have to be so far away," A sad whisper escaped my lips while opening the door to the dorm. I looked around and was met with a normal size room, one bed, a small kitchen and a tv, finally a place to study and eat. The walls were (y/f/c) with a comfy (y/f/c) bed. "Well I'm exhausted," Sighing as I laid down in my bed. 'Im so glad Dad was able to get me a room by myself, since it would be rather awkward to explain myself. I can't wait for tomorrow it's baseball practice' I looked towards the clock. "It's late perhaps I should sleep," Closing my eyes, falling gently to sleep.

Next morning

Beep beep........... Beep beep

"Hell it's morning, sleep sounds nice but I guess I should get up I wouldn't want to be late to my first practice," I spoke, slowly getting out of bed. I wonder if i should actually try today or surprise them later hm it would be rather funny to see their faces. I snickered at the thought whilst getting into the shower. After my shower I got some bandages, and started to wrap my breasts so I appear to be flat chested. After a while I am satisfied and start to get into my baseball practice outfit, begin to leave. But as I leave I bumped into someone. "Not again....." I said while sighing, remembering I have already done this before. " I'm sorry," Looking up I see a pink haired boy. "I-it's fine," Speaking with a shaky tone he replies while I see a slight blush rise up on his cheeks. 'How cute' After staring at the boy I realized he was wearing a baseball uniform too. "Um so hey are you on the baseball team too?" I ask staring down at his shirt. "Y-yeah and judging by what you're wearing you too are on it." The boy continued to say, looking at me, smiling. "Yeah I suppose I am. Names (Y/N) (Y/LN), I do hope we can be friends," A forced smile was placed on my face. "Uh... My names Kominato Haruichi. It would be nice to have a friend," Pinkie stared at the ground. "Well Kominato-kun we should head to practice wouldn't want to be late right," Smiling with my facade. "Right"


The coach was currently talking about something I didn't care enough about to listen to, when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I spotted him. The guy I bumped into first, Sawamura-kun was his name right? Well it looks like he's late, and currently sweating buckets. I wouldn't want to be him the coach looks quite scary and hardcore on rules. Randomly Sawamura is pulled back, disappearing. When turned around the couch was going down the line, asking everyone their name and position. When he got to me the coach looked me up and down then spoke with a demanding tone "Name position then school." I answered back with "My names (Y/N) (Y/LN), my position is pitcher, and my old school was (Y/LN) academy," I say with unwavering confidence. It's stupid that my dad has a school and he made me go to it, so embarrassing. My face turned slightly pink with shame. "Did you say your name was (Y/N)?" He asks with his stone cold eyes not wavering. "Yes sir," Matching his tone I spoke back when the whispering began. "Is that kid serious?" "Oh some rich kid bet he got in by bribe." "Tch I hate guys like that." Never ending gossip consuming the air around me. 'To be fair I did go under a different name in high school, it was (F/N). I was the ace of the school and I wanted to restart because.' "Hm" The couch calculated my worth which snapped me out of the thought. He was about to move onto the next person but stopped when someone yelled "He came here late, but he's trying to sneak into the line," I look over to where this is coming from and I see Sawamura. He froze in place like a deer caught in headlights, the air awkwardly quiet. Well isn't this a rather strange situation. I'm laughing on the inside but it's so quiet that if I were to laugh it would break the silence, even so I couldn't help it. Quietly, I started snickering into my hand trying to hold it back although it's not loud enough for the coach to hear. Strangely enough 3 other guys got in trouble, obviously Sawamura-kun too. Since he was late the coach made them run. I brush it off however and moved on as we started to warm up and practice.


What's all the ruckus I thought looking over to home base where Sawamura-kun and coach stood. All I heard was the coach saying to the Golden boy "If you can throw it from here to the fence I will let you pitch and if you miss you will never be able to pitch ever on this team," Or something like that I can't really hear them  Sawamura-kun suddenly throws the ball with such motivation. It actually does look like he might make it when suddenly it does a strange curve and misses entirely. "I must not laugh but-" A laugh escaped my lips. To be honest I did feel really bad for the guy he had to run and now he can't pitch. Although the way the ball just naturally broke at the end he could truly become an amazing pitcher if he practiced, well that's a waste now isn't it.


"Golly am I tired," I spoke while sinking into my soft bed in the dorm room. "Today was strangely fun, I got to meet 2 new people who seem somewhat nice. Even so I can't forget why I'm here," I say quietly as I slowly drift to sleep

Authors note: gosh this sucked I need to edit it but I'm lazy I will do it at some point (Wow a year later and I finally edited it)

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