The Deal

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Beep Beep Beep Beep "God this sound is getting rather tiring to listen every morning," Sighing as I walked to the shower. After taking an unnaturally long shower to wake up I got ready and bolted headed out the door. Not even three steps and I bump into someone and fall down, it's nice to know cliches happen in the morning too. "Ugh why is it always me?" I spoke as I got up from falling, preceding to brush all the dirt off. Once I was satisfied I looked up only to be met with dull, lifeless yellow eyes. He has a strange type of brown hair. "I'm sorry it seems that I rudely wasn't paying attention," A quick apology and a lowering of my head was sure to get me off the hook but in the end all he did was walk away silently. "Well you could have at least said something shesh," Pouting, I continued on with my day. That's weird I don't know how I didn't notice before but it seems his arm is injured. Even if we haven't spoken I do know who he is. Takigawa Chris Yuu the old catcher for the first string. I did hear that he played with an injured arm and it tore, well something like that, and now he cant play. I kind of feel bad for the guy. I have saw him play and he's a decent player it's too bad....What a waste of talent. Well that was fun wasn't it, overthinking this encounter. I should head off to practice... When I arrived everyone was gathered in front of the coach, as soon as I put my things in place I ran over to the crowd. In summary the meeting was really uninteresting so I ended up dozing off. After the meeting they sent the second string players to run, which sadly included me. While we were running Sawamura like always, idiotically talked about how he didn't want to run anymore and wanted to pitch. Haruichi then said something along the lines of how we might be able to play in games on the weekend. However instead of completely listening I was worrying about my father. My day dream was rudely cut off by "First year students, Sawamura and Furuya come immediately to Field A bench."The voice came from the speaker to my right. "Well I should go check it out," Sawamura spoke with his usual smirk. "Its no fair you don't have to run anymore~" I said pouting at him, but he only laughed and ran towards Field A. Practice was really boring without my personal idiot around so after practice I decided to go searching for him. When I finally found him he was yelling about something. "Hey Sawamura-kun whats wrong?" His body just radiated anger. "I got a battery partner," Turning towards me I noticed how sharp his eyes looked. "Whats wrong with that? Isn't that good a good thing?" Confusion still present. "It would be if he wasn't so full of himself and annoying," A sigh released from my lips. "Who is it Sawamura-kun..." Trying to be sympathetic I tried to comfort the puppy-like human. "Well his name is Chris and he's a third year, he always gets on my nerves," Annoyance seeping from Sawamura's tone. My mind wandered to this morning from when I bumped into him this morning. Immediately I thought about his injury, a tragedy really because he could have been an amazing addition to this team, but he overused his injured arm rendering him completely useless. I bet the injury has gotten to him. "Maybe he's the type you just have to get used to over time Sawamura-kun," At the moment I was bluffing but I tried to sound full of confidence. "Thanks for the advice (Y/ln)-kun, maybe your right," His cheery smile returned to the boys lips which resulted in a slight blush on my part, and with that he went to go to his dorm. "Maybe I should head back to my dorm now..." I whispered this to myself as I walked to the dorms.

The very next day when I went to baseball practice I saw Sawamura acting differently. He seemed to be calling Chris, Chris-senpai while everyday he followed him around like a dog. After awhile of this behavior continuing it grew amusing. I did however feel a tad bad for Chris, he had to deal with his loyal puppy companion all day. After a few days it looked like Chris sent Sawamura to study baseball. He was asking about foul balls to Haruichi and I in class that day. I was explaining it when Haruichi spoke. "In the tournament you can register 21 players which means 3 second string players will be able to move up," When we heard this we pointed at each other and then Sawamura laughed his usual idiotic laugh.

Ace Of Hearts (Ace Of Diamond x reader Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora