Chapter Nine

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            Nothing looked familiar to Kara when she opened her eyes.

            “Kara?” Shirelle said. “You scared the hell out of me, girl.”

            “Why? What happened?”

            “You don’t remember?”


            “I’m not surprised. You fell and knocked yourself out.”

            “Are you kidding?”

            “Why do you think you’re in the hospital?”

            “The hospital?”

            “You must’ve hit your head harder than they thought. Thank God Ethan and Solomon were there.”

            “They were?”

            “Yeah, they were and poor Ethan was worried sick about you. He kept saying it was all his fault. It would’ve been cute if I wasn’t so worried about you.”

            “If I’m in the hospital, how come you’re here?”

            “You didn’t think I’d let you ride in the ambulance alone, did you?”

            “Ambulance?” Kara groaned.

            “Of course they called an ambulance. You knocked yourself out,” Shirelle reminded her. “Which is why I’m not going to yell at you for not waiting for me in line.”

            “Waiting for you?”

            “Girl, you’re scaring me again. Maybe I should call Mr. Brewer.”

            “Mr. Brewer?”

            “You know, our principal.”

            “I know who he is. How come he’s here?”

            “A student had an accident on a school field trip. His ass would probably be sued if he wasn’t here. Wait here. I’m gonna go get him.”

            Where else would I wait? Kara thought as Shirelle disappeared through the open doorway of her hospital room.

            In the silence her friend left behind, Kara struggled to remember what happened. She remembered the bus ride and Ethan’s confession about Solomon and the two of them holding hands all night. Then there was the haunted house only Shirelle wanted to go into, and that was it. The night went blank after that.

            Shirelle returned, bringing with her not only Mr. Brewer but also a man who said he was the doctor on duty for that evening. According to the doctor, Kara had a concussion but no brain damage or internal bleeding, which meant she’d make a full recovery. As a precaution, she’d be kept in the hospital overnight for observation and would be allowed to go home tomorrow, but he suggested she take it easy for the next few days. The words ‘brain damage’ and ‘internal bleeding’ made Kara shiver.

            “Thank goodness you’re okay, Kara,” Mr. Brewer said. “Now that you’re awake, we need to call your father.”

            “My father?” 

            “Yes, he was all set to take a plane to be by your side, but the doctor assured him you’d likely be fine. That aside, I was still ordered to have you call him the minute you were awake.”

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