Chapter Four

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Sitting alone inside Kara’s mind, Ethan sifted through her memories. Being that it was only a few hours old, it didn’t take long to find the one he wanted.

This time I’m doing it, he thought as he allowed the memory to fill her mind.

The two of them sat at the same table in the gym where they sat just hours earlier. This time they were alone. There weren’t any people or music. It was just the two of them sitting at their table.

“I like you, Kara,” Ethan murmured. “I like you and your beautiful voice and the history I see in your eyes.”

Kara smiled at him. “I like you too, Ethan.” 

Ethan leaned forward. “Do you know why?”

Kara laughed. “Because I want to.”

“Why though? Why do you want to?”

“I belong to you,” she whispered.

Ethan exhaled. “I knew you’d remember,” he said as he moved his face closer to hers.

“Of course I remember you silly boy.”

When Ethan brought his lips down on hers, a rush of images flashed behind his eyes. Though their kiss lasted only a few seconds, that was all he needed.

“Someday you will remember, Kara,” he whispered before leaving her alone in her dreams.


“It’s about time you woke up,” Shirelle said.

With such good dreams, Kara hated to leave them behind in favor of the real world. “What time is it?”

“Almost eleven.”

“No kidding?”

“Nope, you must have been having some sweet dreams,” Shirelle said, flashing her a wicked smile. “Bet I don’t need three guesses to know who you were dreaming about.”

“Ethan kissed me.” 

“When did this happen and why am I just now hearing about it?”

“No, I mean he kissed me in my dream.”

Shirelle’s face fell. “You mean he didn’t kiss you last night?”

“No, but he said he likes me.”

“I knew it! I told you that you were in.”

“Yeah, but the whole thing was kind of weird.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t really explain it. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I swear he knows what I’m thinking as soon as I think it.”

“You mean like he’s reading your mind? You’re right. It does sound crazy.”

“I know.”

“Maybe he’s not reading your mind, but he’s reading your signals.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s pretty obvious you like him. Maybe he can tell by the way you act and the way you look at him and stuff. Maybe that’s why it seems like he’s reading your mind.”

“Like it’s written all over my face?” Kara said and groaned when Shirelle nodded. “God, how embarrassing!”

“I wouldn’t be too embarrassed. You did get him to say he liked you.”

“Okay, that’s true.”

“It’s too bad I didn’t get Solomon to say he liked me.”

“What did he say to you?”

The Last Year of InnocenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz