Chapter 6

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'The boss..he's hurt pretty bad..'


'..nasty puncture wound..not on his deathbed..'

Roy groaned and leaned against the window of the train,obsidian gaze surveying the people outside,families greeting and saying farewell,some people milling about in anxiousness. All of them seemed so perfect,normal,and just so damn happy. And totally unaware of the young alchemist currently struggling with a hole in his stomach. Goddamn them.

"But why do I care..?" The colonel furrowed his brow and sighed,"because he's my subordinate,of course."

But are you telling the truth?

"Why else would I care?"

Haven't you realized it yet?

Mustang snorted softly,eyes wandering to a pair of young women that had just boarded the train. The shorter of the two,a blonde with mid length hair and pale skin,smiled at him,and he returned it with less enthusiasm. Even though he seemed like he was flirting,the man was actually sizing her up,finding all of her flaws and mentally scourning her.

"She's not short enough..her hair is too short.." he muttered,eyes glazing over with boredom.

You've found a type you like,Roy. A type,and only one person fits all of your requirements.

At the thought of a type,Roy chuckled and turned away,sparkling black eyes gazing out the window again,"I don't have a type. I just like short blondes with long hair,is that too much to ask?"

What eye color?

The man stiffened,eyes narrowing profoundly as he stared straight ahead,silent as a cat. A cat..his dream girl had eyes like a cat..beautiful goldish amber eyes. Almost like..honey,sweet yet strong with a certain flare he never wanted to go away.

"Well..she would have gold eyes,there are plenty of women with gold eyes."

No,there aren't. Not unless you want to travel to Xenotime,then you're out of luck. But you're dream girl..short,long blonde hair,gold eyes..are you sure you're describing a girl? Because it sound an awful lot like a description of..

"Don't say it.."


"Like hell it is," the colonel snorted and glared at the scenery as the train started it's long journey to Lior,"why would I like Fullmetal?"

Don't ask me,I'm just a voice in your head.

"Well,fuck you." Roy turned in time to see the two women from earlier staring at him,the blonde giving him a another bright smile and a flirtatious wave. Bile rose in his throat and he glowered at the seat before him,not wanting to be the center of the woman's attention.

Why did he feel this way? Why wasn't he flirting back?

"I'm just not in the mood..yeah,that's it,I'm just tired."


"Damn you..but what if you're right? What if I really do like Fullmetal? No,I don't,and besides,we could never be together anyway."

But you wish you could. Face it,you're falling for a bratty shrimp. A bratty shrimp that's somehow stolen your heart and made off with it,and the question is..will you stop him?

With a short sigh,the alchemist rested his forehead against the seat,chuckling to himself. Of course he would stop him,Fullmetal is a complete brat that nobody will ever be in a relationship with. He's hopeless..and Roy's perfect. The Flame Alchemist can get all the women he wants,hell,he could even get men! But why would the most famous bachelor in Amestris fall for a snotty brat of an alchemist like Ed?

"I'm not falling..I'm not,I can't be..!"

Face it,Roy. You've reached the end of the line. Will you accept it or let it fade?


'if I hadn't shown up...dead in minutes..'

"No.." Roy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth,feeling a warm trail fall down his cheek,"I won't let him get away."

Good dog,Roy.

"I'm in love,yes I am,and I will not deny it. But I won't tell him,either."

Why not? Is Amestris' most famous bachelor scared of rejection? I never thought I'd see the day! Roy Mustang,THE Roy Mustang,is terrified of a short,blonde alchemist! Ha! What a joke.

The Flame Alchemist slumped forward slightly,fists clenched together tightly as he listened to the voice mock him. He was not scared! Goddammit,he was the Flame Alchemist! Nothing scared him!

"Don't call him that.."


"Short..don't call him short,dammit."

Oh,and why's that?

A sudden rush of anger and protectiveness surged through the ravenette,his obsidian eyes dialating to an almost inhuman slit,"He hates that."

That's why I called him that,Roy. You know me,always joking around.

The man laughed quietly,leaning back in his seat and breathing out softly,"You haven't changed a bit,Maes. Fucking hell,I miss you."

I know,Roy..I know.

Outside,the train screeched to a stop,alerting Roy of his surroundings and his mission. Mustang stood slowly and brushed off his uniform,shaking his head before walking off the train and into the desert city of Lior.

'Let's just hope I'm not too late..'

A Heart Made Fullmetal (RoyXEd) *ON HOLD*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora