Chapter 4

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"Nii-san! You can't wear that to dinner! You'll look like a homeless person!"

But that's exactly what they were..two homeless teens in a world they were too young to be in.

Edward glared at his brother,wondering if Alphonse got his point. The younger of the two glanced at the wall and sighed,"Sorry."

"Its'ok Al,it's been so long,no wonder you forgot."

A heavy silence fell between the two,thickening with each passing second until the two felt as if they were drowning. Ed started forward,straining to think of something to break the uncomfortable moment. The longer he hesitated,the deeper he fell.

Alphonse clapped his hands together and walked into the hotel closet that held Edward's clothes,rummaging rather noisily before emerging back into the room. The brunette was grinning widely as he set down a stack of clothes which,upon closer Ed Elric inspection,were several outfits the blonde didn't even know he possessed. There now sat,in all their glory,casual wear clothing varying in color from Ed's usual red and black style to clothes that looked as if a chimera had had a case of rainbow throw up.

A look of pure shock and horror flashed upon Edward's face,his golden eyes slithering upward to silently question his brother.

"Al..what the hell is this and WHERE EXACTLY did you buy shit like this from?!"

Offended,the young brunette huffed and replied haughtily,"Well,Nii-san,this stuff is what you picked out on a drunk shopping spree with Lieutenant Havoc and the Colonel. I suggest you be more careful about your capacity level and your wallet."

The elder of the two snorted in disbelief,his eyes wandering over the pile before stopping and bulging wide open. Edward jaw dropped as he yelped,"What the hell is that?!"

Alphonse blinked and looked to where his brother's gaze was,giggling,"Oh,apparently the Colonel had gone to the lingerie store and gave you seemed really happy,and when I went to find you in the store,you had come out of the dressing room wearing that."

Anger and embarrassment flashed in the golden orbs,",b-but..!"

"It's the truth,Nii-san."

"...did he touch me..?"

Al snapped his head around so fast he almost gave himself whiplash,"What?"

"H-he didn't touch me..did he?"

A finger tapped thoughtfully at Al's chin,"N-no..I believe he didn't,but I wasn't there the whole time."

After a thick moment of silence,the Fullmetal Alchemist grumbled to himself and snatched up a pair of black jeans and a bright crimson shirt. Alphonse tried not to giggle as he watched his older sibling storm off into the bathroom of the hotel suite,stomping his feet in an attempt to look irritated.

"You're a very bad actor,Nii-san."

"Shut up,Al."

Ten minutes later,and the Fullmetal Alchemist reappeared in an attire that would make you believe he was just another Amestrian on the street. His younger brother gasped in awe and leapt excitedly from his chair to bounce over to Edward.

"Ed! Nii-san,you look handsome!"

Edward's eye began to twitch,"I feel like a fire hydrant."

"A handsome fire hydrant."

"'re not helping,Alphonse.."

The young brunette halted and gave his brother a bitter pout,glancing leniently at his wristwatch. Alphonse's eyes almost bulged from their sockets,and that would not have been a pretty sight. Of course,the younger of the two wouldn't know because he wouldn't be able to see it.

"Oh my gosh,Nii-san! Hurry and grab your shoes,we have to go now!"

Edward squawked as he was dragged out of the hotel room,yelping whenever his head hit a stair on their way down.

"Ow,ow,ow,OWWWW! Watch it,Al!"

Al huffed irritably as he continued his race towards Rose's house,"Be quiet,Nii-san,it's just your head. You're fine."

With a last thump and a yelp,the shorter blonde was dragged onto concrete and guided to Rose's house.


Alphonse began to wring his hands,shake them like they were covered in water,and then wring them again. He didn't know why he was so nervous,maybe it was because Rose was a girl that seemed interested in him?

'But she's older than you by 3 years..'

Well,one,since his mind was still more advanced than his body. He was mature enough to not be laughed at because of his brilliancy,but he did not yet resemble a boy of 16 years in appearance. And Ed didn't represent a 17 year old,but of course,his brother was a walking,talking,badmouthing mound of flaw.

Alphonse was just missing appearance,while Ed had somehow abandonned manners,polite attitude,and height. He made Tucker's chimeras look civilized.

Just as the boy's mind started to go into details (oh dear god,please no details!),a sudden crash came from inside the house,followed by a raw growl and more scuffling. Both Elrics quickly turned their heads toward the door,eyes wide in astonishment and worry. Another loud thump,and Edward already had the door open and was stumbling inside.

"Ed," Alphonse followed his brother,running blindly until he bumped into a hard back.

The figure quickly shoved him to the ground in a corner,and the younger Elric suddenly felt comforted by the sensation of his brother transmuting his automail so close to him. The feeling lasted for a few seconds,but shattered abruptly by an awful laugh. Squinting his eyes,Al was able to make out the presense of yet another person.

Or what he thought was a person.

The morbid creature grinned maniacally,settling it's uneven gaze on the two brothers. A sick glint flashed in it's eyes,freezing Al's blood in his veins. He knew who this thing was,and he had hoped to never see it again.

"Envy," hissed his elder brother,his voice dripping with hatred and revolt for the homunculus before them.

With a laugh,Envy waved slowly,that serial grin inching wider across his face,becoming almost demonic,"Well,it seems like you two discovered me. Was it the dress? Too plain?" The creature mocked in his throaty voice,muddy eyes sparkling in delight.

Edward,clearly pissed off now,snarled in reply and shouted,"Where is she?! What did you do with the real Rose?!"

"She's dead,chibi-san," the being's words dripped with venom and ice,"don't worry,you'll be joining her soon." Envy lunged forward,his left arm forming into a spear directed at Ed's chest.


There was a blur of movement,Alphonse trying his best to hold back the oncoming attack,Edward thrusting blindly with his automail wristblade,Envy hissing in outrage. It was a full out war,taking place in the home of a dead friend. A war that spoke volumes,and for one,would mark a day he'd rather not remember. In seconds,it was all over. The spear of jealousy,of a hatred no human could ever obtain,had plunged forward through flesh.

Edward Elric stood frozen in shock,golden eyes wide in horror and disbelief.

The house fell deathly quiet.


A Heart Made Fullmetal (RoyXEd) *ON HOLD*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora