Chapter 2

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"So,which train was it,Nii-san?"

Alphonse leaned against a pillar and tried to squint past the glaring sunlight at his older brother. The young boy was terribly confused as to which train they were supposed to board,seeing as Edward was hogging the tickets and hissing if he got too close. Sometimes Nii-san was more cat than human.

Ed turned circles around himself,eyes searching the trains for their numbers and growling in frustration. The elder Elric brother was lost,he knew it,but was too prideful to ask for help. Instead,he thought it'd be best to stand in the middle of the boarding area and snarl if someone asked if he needed assistance.

"Its number five..boarding station five."

Alphonse gulped and his eyes widened in alarm,"F-five?"

Ed's golden eyes flickered to glare harshly at his brother,"Something wrong,Alphonse?" Al immediately began to tremble,fearing for his life. Edward never called him by his full name unless he was pissed. The younger of the two Elrics tried to register an escape route just behind his brother,wondering if he would have enough time to bolt before the elder throttled him to death.

Still under his brother's intense gaze,Al fiddled with his thumbs and muttered something quietly that Edward couldn't interpret. At the rising of a golden brow,the smaller boy smiled weakly and stammered,"N-number five..just left,N-Nii-s-san..."

Oh. Hell. No.

*Five minutes later*


Edward Elric was currently wrestling his brother Alphonse on the ground and growling angrily. The younger blonde was crying out and trying desperately to get away from the animalistic alchemist on his back. This beast was not his brother..ok,he was short like him,but..

"Lets just board another train to Liore!!"

The battering on his back halted,followed closely by the sound of boots clunking on the ground.

"Alright," Ed answered gruffly,eyeing the cowering boy,"C'mon,let's go."


It took the brothers exactly ten minutes to track down another train,ten more minutes to buy tickets,and five minutes for Ed to convince the conductor not to leave without them. Of course,Ed's part didn't involve words,just a good show of what an automail fist can do when used by a very pissed off alchemist. And of course,the little blonde got his way.

"I get the feeling someone just called me little.." Ed snorted and hopped on,followed closely by Al,whom was trying his best not to giggle.

'Nii-san called himself little!'

Many people aboard the train gave the two boys menacing glares,all of which were deflected and answered by a hiss and narrowing of golden eyes. The expression made its recipients wilt and shift away,silencing them into submission. Edward smirked and continued down the pathway,eyes locking on an empty seat and knees giving way as he approached it. The blonde landed with a less than graceful flop and whoosh of air,followed by Alphonse's daintier lowering.

"Really Nii-san,be a little more polite when you speak to people."

Ed growled and shuffled away from the younger Elric,huffing,"Just be happy I got him to stop so we could board." Al sighed and settled himself comfortably in his seat,closing his eyes and slowing his breathing.

"Wake me when we arrive,Nii-san."

His answer was a grunt and some shifting of his brother's coat falling from his shoulders.

A Heart Made Fullmetal (RoyXEd) *ON HOLD*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ