Chapter 1

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If there was one thing Edward Elric hated most,it would be the Colonel Bastard's office. No,it wasn't filled with torture instruments or barred like a prison cell. Hell,the office wasn't filled with anything that would make the alchemist jump or flinch away from. It was just normal.

And Ed despised it with all his heart.

Reason being,it was the place he got all of his missions,asignments,everything. And from the Colonel himself. Ed didn't have anything against the office,it was mostly the man that made it his office.

"Colonel Bastard," Ed growled,flopping down into a chair and glaring at the darkhaired man before him.

Roy Mustang,AKA Colonel Bastard,was Edward's superior and worst enemy. The two argued constantly,neither wanting to lose,always wanting the last laugh. Or in this case,the last retort. Roy raised a brow and shook his head with a sigh,"Honestly,Fullmetal,I would've thought you'd outgrow the name calling."

Edward snarled and turned his face away,"I have. You're the only exception."

Roy blinked and frowned,"Oh joy,I feel so special." He watched as the blonde's eyebrow rose in confusion before answering,"Sarcasm,Fullmetal,learn it."

Said blondie huffed and slitted his gold eyes like a feline's,"Enough jokes,why did ya call me in here?"

"Oh dear,it seems that your short temper has outgrown your beansprout body."


Roy chuckled to himself,but sobered up quickly enough as the deadly twin suns settled on a point below his chin,"I have mission for you. There's a state alchemist that's gone missing in a region that I was informed you knew well."

"Why couldn't you give it to someone else? It ain't my job to rescue soldiers that can't take care of themselves."

"Because you're the only alchemist that knows the town of Liore like the back of your hand."

At the mention of Liore,Ed's eyes widened and a grin split his face,"I'm going back to Liore? I can't wait to tell Al! He'll be so excited that we'll be able to see Rose again!!"

Alphonse was Edward's younger brother. The boy was a year younger than Ed and had been taken away during a failed attempt at resurrecting their dead mother. Edward had sacrificed his leg during the transmutation,and his right arm when bonding his brother's soul to an abandonned suit of armor.

Dismay flooded Mustang's features as he shook his head,"No,Alphonse must stay in Risembool. You were the alchemist assigned to the mission,not him."

Another glare was shot at the man,followed by an indignant,"So what?! He's my brother,he should get to come along! Besides,he knows Liore better than I do! It wouldn't be fair unless he got to help me."

The determined blonde's expression wavered as Roy began to cast glances down at the mission file. Was the man actually doubting the succession of the famous Elric brothers' partnership in missions? Or was something else bothering him? Whatever it was,Ed wouldn't give up on the subject until Roy either gave approval or handed the file over to a less experienced dog.

That's what bothered Roy. Edward Elric may be a child prodigy,but he was the stubbornest child out there. He could give a mule a run for it's money if confronted with one. The sheer ordasity of the chibi alchemist made something inside Roy tick. Not the happy,I-am-Roy-Mustang-and-I-just-got-laid tick.

Oh,no,he turned into a human time bomb,with Ed's freethrown curses and scalding insults as ammunition.

"I..guess I can make an exception," Roy felt a slight twinge in his chest as the blonde's face brightened endearingly,"But if Hawkeye finds out about this,you'll be taking the bullet."

"Literally," Edward shivered and nodded,standing slowly and brushing off his coat and leather covered backside. The Colonel gave him a once over,not quite sure if the blonde would actually take Hawkeye's wrath for him. Of course,he was allowing the boy's brother to come along,so Edward should have a sense of gratitude seeing that the two were inseparable.

Heaving himself up,Roy straightened his uniform before handing over the mission file to Edward,watching as the alchemist snatched it out of his hand to glare at the information inside. It struck Roy just how serious this teen was about his job.

Sure,Edward had moments when he let his childish ways take hold of him,but the older Elric always thought through his plans to see how they would benefit him and his enemy. The way he always analyzed his missions before agreeingto them also struck Roy as something an older,more experienced soldier would do,not someone of Ed's age.

'No wonder he passed the State Alchemist exam,' Roy pondered,'he's a child prodigy,yes,but he's careful in his studies as well. He doesn't just rush in and hope his agility or raw strength will allow him to overpower his opponent.'

"Alright," the mission file took its rightful place under Ed's arm as he tried his best to salute his superior without grimacing,"Al and I will be on the train by tonight."

Mustang nodded and frowned slightly,"Fullmetal,wait."

A pair of golden orbs bore into deep obsidian,"Yeah,Colonel?"

What exactly did he want to say? Good luck? Have a nice time in hell?

A smirk slid onto the older man's lips,"Don't break anything. I'm not paying for damages."

"Ok,I'll just tell Hawkeye that you read porn magazines when she ain't lookin'."

"You wouldn't..wait,how did you know?"

Flabbergasted,the Flame alchemist gawked as his subordinate rushed from the room,"Damn brat!" A soft 'You know it!' replied,followed by the sound of mad laughing and several things crashing around outside of Roy's office. Of course,he'd have to pay for anything the kid broke since he was (unfortunately) the boy's commanding officer.

"Damn him,damn this job,damn his knowledge! He better do a good job on this mission or else I'm killing him."

A Heart Made Fullmetal (RoyXEd) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now