Chap 4

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I walked slowly along the road. My eyes keep watching if there was Josh's car in the road. No. Good, I'm lucky enough to escape from him. I smiled as I looked at my phone, sixteen miscalls and ten messages from him. Why he so worried for me? He's the one who new here, not me. And I have been three years organizing my own life. Why he is so protective over me? Did he have any feeling for me? He treated me like his girlfriend. The fact that we live together made me blush if we really a couple. I touched my cheeks, the place where he always kisses me. I smiled, how romantic he was. Did I like him? Yes! No! I do! Arghhh.... I don't know. Confused? I am!

I stopped at the park nearby and get myself a chocolate ice cream, my best therapy if anything happen. I'm kind of always- confused person.

As I am having my delicious ice cream at the park bench, I saw Josh car on the road. I hid my face with my book that I held but I still can see he's not alone. Who's that blonde? The car stopped at the ice cream booth and the girl went buy one cup of strawberry ice cream. There she is, Kim. One of the hottest girl in our school. I hate her this time even I never cared her before this.

I can feel my anger suddenly rose up to my head, I felt something unhappy, uncomfortable and unsafe. Why? I don't know. Somebody help me...

" Hey, you jealous..," said one voice. A kid. I turned to look at my left side.


"I said you jealous," a cute boy who is about five years old said. I looked around. Where is his mother?

"How did you know?," I wondered.

"The look at your tells everything," he said as he sat besides me.

"What!," I almost scream in horror. What a five years old kid know about love and jealousy? Is he cupid? He doesn't even have wings and arrow. I inspected him curiously.

"I'll tell you something," he said. I looked at him in awe as he put his left hand on my shoulder.

"You are prettier than her,"

Amazed by his compliment I smiled softly and said," You think so?,"

" Yes, you should have him,"

"What should I do?," Did I asking advice from a kid?

"Easy, kiss him!,"


"Trust me," he advised and without I realized he's gone....with my ice cream! Did he do that to get my ice cream?!


"Where have you been?!" he asked as I reached house. He sounded angry. Both of his hand clamp at the side of his waist. Leaning against the door, he looked cute with a blue apron he's wearing.

I looked at him. I gazed at his lips. Kiss him, should I follow the boy advised? The vision of Kim laughing with him spending time together played in my mind. I hated that scene. Did he kiss Kim? Or did she kiss him? Do they have something? Do they have any relationship?

"Hello, I'm talking to you. Serena, where are you going? Why didn't you answer my phone or my messages? Did you forget how to use the cell phone? Or you never knows that? Now, let me teach you,"

He pulled out my cell phone from my purse and step by step he's teaching me how to answer the call, reply messages and which button to press and how much it cost. I looked at him in disbelief, how cynical he was! But, knowing that he's concern for me made my heart beating madly and sends a sensation feeling to my body. I'm mad! I gazed at his ruby lips, which I hate it before but I want it now. At least, before, Kim got it!

"Now that you know how to use this cell phone, I warn you not to dare to ignore ...," before he could finish his word, suddenly I without thinking, pressed my lips to his ruby lips. I closed my eyes, feeling comfortable and safe. I kissed him, tasting him. He tastes sweet Strawberry? Kim? Did he kissed Kim?

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