Chap 2

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"Hi Serena, you look absolutely stunning today...,"said Nicole as I sat beside him at the cafeteria. Stunning? I glared at myself, I just wearing a sun dress that my mother bought for me years ago. Maybe I rarely wear a dress make Nicole said like that.

"Thank you... you look gorgeous too..," I said. Nicole is a pretty girl who have a blond hair and blue eyes. Her smile is her best asset and it's always look sincere. She also very kind and a best friend of me.

"I know I such a worst friend but please apologize me....and accept this," she said sweetly. I took the wrapping box in her hand.

"Owh... Nichole.. you are not the worst ones.. but the second ones..," I teased and give her a hug. Nicole eyes were widened when I said that. But she know that I was joking and we both burst into laugh together.

"Did you meet the new guys? He's kinda hot," Nicole ask me after we finish laughing.

"No, "I replied unmindedly.

"Well, you should. He's going home earlier today because he had to settle his problem.He just moved in to the town. I wondered where he live?," Nicole replied with a grin.

"I wondered how Brian will act when he hear what you said," I teased her. I opened the gift just to find that it was a beautiful bracelet. I smiled at her and I knew she know that I liked it so much.

" Put in on me? ,"I asked her to do it but she refused.

"No, I want you to wear it tonight. We are going to celebrate your birthday tonight. We will go to the beach nearby and having a party there." she said happily.

"Really?," I doubt her.

"Yes, positive! I don't invite other person. I know you hate crowd. Just four of us, okay?

Four? I wondered who else. Me, Nichole, Brian ( Nichole's boyfriend) and who is the fourth person? I was about to ask Nichole when the bell rang and we hurried to the class.

"I pick u at 8 p.m,"she scream at me before hurried to the next class.I jus nodded and heading to my class.


It was very late when I got home because I spent a time at library to finish my homework and for the worse I have to wait almost an hour to get a taxi to go home. If only I had my bike. .ugh.. it was all his fault .I hate him.Josh! Just once he came into my life, he already messes with it. I never failed in arranging my life, it always perfect like I wanted.

I glimpsed at the clock and it was 7 pm and I have only one hour to get ready. I rushed into my bathroom and took a quick shower and forgot to bring my towel. I live in a small house which have one bathroom and it was outside my bedroom! Well, who cares ,I'm the only one who live here so decided to walk out naked.

I was about to open my door when I heard a noise from behind and turned to see.

"Arghh ...,"I scream with all my heart when I saw a boy standing in front of me with a luggage and a jacket in his hand.

He came toward me and clamped my mouth to keep me from screaming

"Syhh.. are you going to make all the people hear you screaming? It was me, not a thief or what ,"he said to me.I was surprised and shocked, It was you! Ugh..the same guy.

"What the hell are you doing here?," I ask when he released his hand.

But he didn't reply.. he just stood in front me. He eyed me up and down. I followed her gaze and suddenly I realized that he was enjoying my body !I was naked and I forgot that. Oh,no.I don't want him to see me like this .I felt embarrassed.

"Close your eyes!,"I said sharply and took the jacket from his hand to cover my naked body.

"Why would I? You're showing me, I didn't ask to, "he said arrogantly .I bite my lips and wondering to punch him. However I didn't do it,it was useless. .he was made from stone.

"Shut up, pervert!, "I said between my teeth when I made my way to answer the call.

"Mom..there are somebody here,pervert and insane too..i don't know how he get into my house,"I said to my mom.

" Oh, was bestfriend son.I'm sorry dear,I should tell you earlier but I'm so busy.He will be staying with you until we got home,we have to go Hawaii.Okay,baby.I'm sorry I have to go now.Happy birthday sweetheart,after I got home we will celebrate it okay?Bye,honey,"my mom replied in hurried.

"Bye,moms,"I said with a sorrow mood.I looked at him and he grinned at me before he made his way to the guest bedroom.

"Can I say something?,"he asked.He came out from his room.

"What?,"I said without any emotion.

"You have a gorgeous body and I am absolutely like your breast,"he grinning.

"Go to hell!,"I said and marched to my room.From inside I can hear him chuckled.Damn him!He will stay with me?Owh..i felt insecure and I should keep my room locked starting today.


I wore a purple dress and make up.I put on my eyeliner along with a purple eyeshadow as a shade at my eyes.A peach blusher for my cheek and a lipstick.And I wore a bracelet that Nicole gave to me.After satisfied with my appearance I took my black shinny gladiator and wore it.It was near 8 and I am ready.Luckily I don't have to cook tonight as I saw Josh also getting ready to go somewhere.Where is he going?Why am I thinking?It is not my business.

I peeked my window and saw Nicole had arrive so I rushed to the door and saw Josh was standing there,blocking my way.

"What do you want?,"I asked him when he didn't move a bit although he knew that I want to go out.

"You look pretty,"he said sincerely.

"Thank you but I don't need your compliment," I replied harshly but I regretted that.What happened to me?Why am I so emotional?

" I want my jacket back,"he said.His face seems hurt.Did he hurt when I'm saying that?

" was in my room,go and take it.Bye,"I said in guilt and gave her my room key and run to get Nicole.

After a few minutes,we finally reach the was the same beach when I met Nicole.We sat on the rock near the beach and everything was ready.I wondered who set up all this because Nicole and I, has just arrived here.

"It was Brian and his new friend,"she said shyly.

"Thank you,Nicole.Where are they?I replied.I could feel the wind breezing to my face.I really love this feeling.

"There!,"she said pointed to the two guys coming towards us.

I looked at Brian and his friend.I think I recognize his friend..the way he walked,the height and the well framed body..he is..i try to remember.I knew him.I turned to Nicole to ask about the guy.

"Hi, my friend Josh..he's new here.,"Brian introduced.

"Hi,Serene Kessler.Nice to meet you,"he said.

I felt like my heart was stop beating,I turned my face and saw him.It was him!It was the same guy I met three times in my life today.It was the guy who kissed me.The same guy who touched my breast and the same guy who saw me naked.No!I scream in my heart.He can't be the same guy to celebrate my birthday today!

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