That One Night (Harry and Zayn)

Start from the beginning

A few minutes before the boys came on stage, everybody in the stadium were chanting, "ONE DIRECTION". The boys came on and everyone started screaming. They're performance was terrific. They sat down for a while to talk to the audience and then they announced that they were going to sing, 'One Way or Another'. "I would like to dedicate this song to the girls who I saw backstage." He annouced into his microphone. Just then Harry looked at me and he kept looking at me during the entire song. "Good night everybody!" The group of boys said to the stadium.

Once they left, everybody got up and were getting ready to leave. "Come on girly we've got a meet and greet to go to." Willow said dragging me to the meet and greet. We got there kind of late so we were at the very end of the line. There were like 20 girls in front of us but we waited. We were close to the front of the line when these two girls faced us. "Were you the girls that Harry dedicated the song to?"

"Yeah we were. Why?" I questioned her. "I don't like your attitude. You're some spoiled rich girl who probably got management to force Harry to say that." What was she thinking? "Um no actually he just saw me and my friend." Then the same exact girl went all out at me. Someone had to call security to take the girl away. As I was looking at the security guard, I felt someone place a hand on my hip. I looked up to see the one and only Harry Styles looking down at me with his sparkling green orbs. "H-hi." Was all I said before he took me to a corner. "You look lovely tonight." Harry said to me with his husky british accent. "Thank you." I squeaked as he took his hands and started to run them up on the sides of my body. "Let me see your phone." I got my phone out of my clutch and he typed his number into my phone. "Talk to you soon." He grinned and he kissed me on the lips. It was a quick kiss but it was enough to make my stomach flutter.

Harry and I walked out together to the rest of the boys and Willow. "Where were you Holly? I was looking all over for you!" She was yelling at me and she was yelling with her hands. "I'll tell you about it in the hotel room."

When we arrived at the hotel, there was a lot of security. Which was confusing cause normally, there isn't much security around. Willow was at the front desk while I looked around the lobby. It was a nice lobby. My phone buzzed, when I looked at the text, I saw that someone texted me. It said, look behind you. I felt two arms snake around my waist and I knew it was Harry. "Hey I didn't know you were staying here." I told him. "Well now you know. What room are you staying in?" I looked at my room key and I told him I was staying in room 534. "Lucky for you, I'm staying in room 535."

Harry took my hand and we went to his room. We sat down and we got to know each other. "What's your favorite animal?" "Um penguins, no a giraffe. I don't know." I stuttered. Harry laughed at my answer and that made me blush. "Awe you look cute when you blush." I looked into his green eyes and he looked into mine. "What's your name?" "Holly." I responded to him. Then the unexpected happened, he leaned in and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss I've ever had. He forced his tongue in my mouth, which I gratefully accepted. He pulled off his white v-neck shirt showing off his toned torso. "Like what you see?" Once again, I blushed like crazy. He swept my hair over to one side and he tilted my head so he could shower me with kisses.

I reached for his curls at the nape of his necks. He pulled away from our heated kiss and locked the door.


I woke up on Harry's bare chest. That's when I realized that I left Willow alone last night. I got dressed and I left a note on the desk in the room.

Dear Harry, last night I forgot to tell Willow that I was with you. I need to go back to my room so I won't worry her. Call me, love Holly xx

When I walked in the room, I saw Willow drinking coffee on her bed. She looked miserable. "What's up with you?" I asked sitting down next to her. She groaned in response, "Hangover. To much alcohol." I shook my head, typical Willow. "So where were you last night?" That was the answer I was hoping to avoid. "Um I got Harry's number and I spent the night in his room." Willow's eyes widened. "No way, I was at the bar last night with Zayn and I slept with him too." 

That morning, Willow and I got invited to have breakfast with the boys. Everyone could see that Zayn and Willow had something  going on. That morning, Harry told me that he wanted to take me on a date in the city. We took a romantic walk in Central Park. It was nice and relaxing. There he told me that his tour was over and that he wanted to get an apartment so we could make this relationship last. I just told him that he could move in with me. I'm 19  and I live alone so it worked out. The week after the concert, the rest of the band left for home but Harry stayed in NYC. Also, Willow went with Zayn back to Bradford. 

Harry's and I's relationship lasted about 5 years. Of course we had our ups and downs with me in school and him touring the world. But we made it. Then one day, at a romantic dinner he proposed to me. I said yes and now we're a happy married couple. 

(A/N: Yaaayy for cliche fan fictions. Vote, Comment and spread the word!!!)

P.S. I'm not hating on the boys. I'm actually a fan of One Direction soo don't hate on me please. :) 

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