She went straight in her room and flopped on her bed. Her bed smelled of sweat, so did her body. She hadn't had a shower for a whole week and her hair had collected that amount of grease which could probably make a rusted bike shine.

But she didn't care, all she wanted to do was cry and curl in a ball and analyze how it all crashed down right in front of her eyes. However, the only conclusion she could come up to was, things had happened always right in front of her, it was just her who was so friggin blind to it all.

The knot tightened a bit more in her stomach as her phone pinged. That made her heart started beating at a rate that was definitely not considered to be normal. A doctor would have a field day with her.

With shaking hands she punched her password and saw that she had a text. More like, a reply. A reply, she had been waiting for this whole week. A reply which was what probably held her back from moving on. A reply that definitely helped her loosen the knot a little in her stomach, but which made her heart clench in thirst.

From: Anna
To: Daniel
Sent one week ago.

Do you still love me? You promised me that things would still remain the same between us, whatever happens. What is stopping you now then? All I have done is cry, all I can do is cry. Please, just tell me.

From: Daniel
To: Anna
Just now

Grow up Anna. Crying is not gonna help you. Do something for yourself and for your stupid life okay? And oh, sorry for replying late, I've been busy. I need my space. I really do. So bye.

Wow. Ofcourse he was busy. For one whole week. It just happened again. But atleast he gave one good advice, she was going to do something for her stupid life. It was high time.


"What do you think they want to talk about, eh?" Anna asked Daniel as they lay on her bed, naked and cuddling.

"I don't know. Aaron just asked me to meet all of them and sort out all the issues." He says nonchalantly.

For some reason, Anna has this weird feeling in her stomach, almost like she knows Daniel is hiding something but she knows better than to ask him twice. Irritated Daniel was scary.

"I have a really bad feeling about this Daniel. I mean, it's been a month since they stopped speaking to us and it isn't like it is bothering our lives in any way right now. I mean, we still have each other and Aaron and Tim are by our sides too. Why do we have to meet the others and sort out if we don't even want to?" Anna speaks her heart out. Just like she always had when with Daniel.

It was almost like Daniel had this pull over her, just one look from him and she would say everything that was on her mind without filtering anything at all. But it wasn't like she cared, she could trust Daniel. After all, she loved him.

Daniel looked at her, his black eyes showing a second of vulnerability as he said "Don't forget that we are all still in the same class, in the same group for projects and obviously not to forget, the same theatre group. Clashes won't be nice for our group's future. For my future as an actor, you understand, don't you?"

And there was nothing else she could do but nod. Ofcourse she understood that theatre and acting meant the world to Daniel. And even though she was a part of theatre as well, she wasn't into acting at all. In fact, it was just an extra curricular for her. But for Daniel, it was his life. His career. And it wouldn't be until later, that she actually figures out just how far Daniel would go for his theatre.

"I know babe. I'm just a little worried. Last time, when you had a talk with them, you shut me out for two days and after so long things are getting back to how they were before, I just don't want anything to happen between us because of this "discussion". I love you."

Anna said running her fingers down her wavy brown hair with loads of blonde highlights in it. Daniel smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"I promise babe, nothing would change between us regardless of what happens at that discussion. We've been through so much, this is just something trivial. Don't worry okay? I'm not going anywhere."

Such a liar.


The sound of her alarm made Anna wake up with a jolt. She had one of those flashbacks again. She had been having them alot in the past week and it always made her weak. She hated that the memories came back to her and affected her so much, while Daniel was probably out there not even giving a shit about all those moments that they spent together.

And to think that it was him who had persuaded Anna to give them a chance, was almost laughable. Note:almost.

And at that moment, Anna knew exactly what she had to do. But she decided that getting cleaned up and having a shower first would be a better idea. Probably.

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