Chapter 5 | The Blazing Masked Ranger

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I Know What Rhymes With Orange

Chapter 5

The Blazing Masked Ranger

    This morning I wake up much earlier than I need to. I want to get ready, eat something, and leave the house as quickly and quietly as I can, in hopes that my mom will stay fast asleep so she won’t catch me trying to leave the house without taking those God-awful capsules.

    “Why are you sneaking around like that? You know your parents can’t hear you either way.” I jump and hiss as I slowly lower myself to the ground to nurse my pinky toe. The stupid idiot startled me so much that I banged my foot on the edge of the doorway of my walk-in closet.

    “You idiot!” I fiercely whisper not even acknowledging his presence. “You can’t just show up like that.” I pout in pain as I rub my pinky toe understandingly. I know pinky toe, I know it hurts.

    “Sure I can.” He chirps in a cheerful voice. “I always do. Have you already forgotten how this whole relationship works?” I hear the creaking of my computer chair as Sam throws his butt onto the cushion.

    “You hurt me.”

    “I missed you.”

    “Shut up.” I stand up from the ground, brushing off any wrinkles that might have been created from my short encounter with the ground. I walk over to the desk Sam sits next to and reach around him to grab my keys, but before my hands can grasp them their already off of the table. I take a couple steps back and scowl at Sam as I notice my keys dangling in his hands.

    “What are you doing, Sam? Give me the keys.” I try reaching for them, but my shortness was a disadvantage against his tall form. What is wrong with this guy? What happened to the whole “I miss you” thing? If he missed me so much he shouldn’t be acting like a jerk wad to me.

    “Where are you going?” He looks around my room as if he doesn’t recognize his surroundings. His eyes dart to the window that shone the first peaks of sunlight through the thin curtains. He turns back to look into my eyes questioningly his eyebrows scrunch up together. “Do you know what time it is?” His mouth hangs agap.

    “Yes, now leave me alone.” I use his confusion to my advantage and snatch the keys from his right palm. I quickly turn on the heels of my shoes and head towards my bedroom door. In the hallway I hear footsteps following mine. I internally groan. If Sam doesn’t stop distracting me my mother will wake up before I’m able to leave and my plan will be ruined.

    “Wow, I guess you’ve been enjoying the orange bottle.” I hear a tinge of hurt in his accusation suddenly feeling horrible about the way we were treating each other. Sam and I never spoke to each other like this before. We always get along. You’d think always being around each other all these years it would have driven us crazy, to the point of wanting to assassinate the other, but it’s the complete opposite. Sam and I are buds, always have been, always will be. So why are we being so cold and mean towards each other?

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