Chapter 12

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A/N This is the final chapter of this story, I hope you have enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading my story :)

Ten Years Later

"We're going to be late if you don't hurry up", Chase said rushing towards me holding our six month old daughter Leah in his arms. Sighing I finished changing the nappy of our six month old son Zack, Leah's twin brother. "Well trust your son to decided he wanted to fill his nappy before we managed to even leave the house", I said picking up Zack who was now falling asleep after getting a nice fresh nappy on his round little bum. "Oh so he is my son now, I thought he was your little solider an hour ago", Chase chuckled grabbing the nappy bag and heading to the front door. "Chase aren't you forgetting someone?", I asked raising my eyebrow, I swear if I wasn't around he would forget his head. "Um no, I don't think so" he said counting our heads, before he could even answer the sound of tiny foot steps came rushing from the kitchen, "What about me daddy?" our four year old daughter Tia came marching in holding her pink blanket close to her. "Sorry princess", Chase said while taking her hand in his and finally heading to the door.

 Arriving with five minutes to spare I kissed Chase and each of our children before shooing them off to take their seats I went in search of the blushing bride. My mom was getting remarried today to David. They had dated for ten years and became proud parents of a little boy named Tommy who was now nine, so I was know a big brother. After watching Chase and I exchange our vows, mom decided she wanted the same last name as her youngest boy since I was now a Smith. Pecking my head around the corner I saw my mom standing in front of a floor length mirror in a stunning ivory coloured dress. "Hey mom", she turned to me tears in her eyes. "Oh mom", I said rushing to her and wrapping her in my arms, she chuckled before pulling back and smiling at me. "Sorry just can't believe I'm getting married for the third time, to think I've been a Marsh, a Evans, a Harrison, than a Evans again and now I'm going to be a Murphy", she said shaking her head before wiping at her eyes. "Yes and hopefully you shall stay a Murphy" I replied causing mom to narrow her eyes at me.  A knock sounded on the door before the vicar popped his head in. "We are ready to began", he said before disappearing, after mom gave herself one last look over we made our way to the church entrance. "Right lets get you married", I said placing mom's arm through mine as the doors opened the music began.

"Daddies" Tia whined holding her arms up to me, she had been busting a move on the dance floor with her uncle Tommy since the reception started four hours ago, chuckling I picked up a sleepy Tia who snuggled into my arms resting her head on my chest, within two minutes she was out like a light. "I don't think I have ever seen your mom so happy", Chase said to me while rocking the twins in their pram, I nodded my head agreeing, she glowed with happiness and David was to thank for that, I know she still blamed herself for what happened in my past but I know now she had learned to deal with it, just like I have, I heard Phil had remarried, Leanne was now married and mother of seven, just thinking about having seven Tia's running around gave me a headache, loved her to bits but she was a pain sometimes and finally Noah, Noah served his time and moved away, he was now married to a lovely young man who knew about his past and accepted it, they both had a daughter who was a little older than Tia. How do I know this? well Leanne and I still kept in contact after what happened, she hadn't spoken to Noah since he was arrested and no matter how much I hoped she would since family means a hell of a lot to me she refuses to do so, she got her information from Phil who had rebuilt his relationship with Noah the year after he was released. Watching my mom slow dance with David brought back my own wedding how Chase had held me, how he promised me parent hood and love which would last beyond this life time and for the last six years of marriage he has done that. "Have I told you how much I love you Mr Smith", I said smiling at Chase who was smiling back at me, "Not since this morning Mr Smith", he said before leaning over and pressing our lips together. Chuckling I kissed him again "I love you", he winked at me, "Not as much as I love you".

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