In Need of a Plan

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Jimmy's grip around my waist tightened. I look up at him to see him chewing on his bottom lip. He let out a deep breath through his nose and ran his fingers through his hair. It had grown longer than I was used to and it was almost touching his shoulders.

"I'm going to have to," he said. "He's my brother, but I have to keep my girl and my son safe. I know Dad would agree."

"He's proud of Jimmy," I said.

"You really think so?" He gave me a faint smile.


Jimmy leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"What are we going to do about Carrie?" I asked.

"What about her?"

"She really wanted me to move in. I can't just randomly disappear. She'll send the cops out looking for me."

"You want to kill her?"


As much as I hated Carrie for tearing apart our family, I didn't want her dead. I can't blame her for being scared of that house. She was Tommy's girl. The thought of that send a shiver up my spine.

"If she gets killed you and Tommy will be the prime suspects," I said. "I need to think of something."

"We have all day to think of something. I can't leave until it's dark out."

"I don't want you to go."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He pressed his lips against the top of my head. "I promise I'll be back soon."

There was a faint knock on the door. I jumped out of bed and hissed in pain as soon my foot touched the ground. I looked over my shoulder at Jimmy and he slid off of the side of the bed so that he was hiding behind it. I'm glad he did because before I got over to the door Carrie opened it up.

"Hey," she said. "Sorry, but Detective Cameron is here with Detective Hopkins."

"Why are they here?"

"I'm not sure. They want to talk to both of us."

My heart was pounding in my chest. It was bad enough that Jimmy was in this apartment while Carrie was home, but now two detectives were here. I prayed that they wouldn't search the apartment.

"Let me put Hunter down first," I told her. "I'll be out in a second."

"No problem," Carrie said. "I'll tell them you'll be out soon."

Carrie spun around on her heels and walked down the hallway. I poked my head out of the doorway. I couldn't see anyone, but I could hear them talking. I looked back into my room to see Jimmy peering over the edge of the bed.

"You need to hide," I told him. "I'll tell you when they leave."

"Need this?" Jimmy asked picking up the baby monitor.

I shook my head and he tossed it over to me. "Thanks."

Jimmy smiled before disappearing behind the bed again. I closed my door before I brought Hunter to his crib. I fiddled with the baby monitor in my hands while I walked to the living room.

Cameron was sitting on the edge of a recliner chair with a notebook in his hands. Hopkins was in the chair beside him. Her dark hair was twisted back into a bun, and she had her legs crossed under a grey skirt that made her look even older than she was. Carrie was on the couch across from them. They all looked up at me when they heard me dragging myself into the room.

"Juliet, I thought you had a wheelchair," Cameron said.

"I do, but I don't like it," I said.

"Can you take a seat next to Carrie?" Hopkins asked.

She flipped on the tape recorder and set it down on the glass coffee table between us. I sat down next to Carrie. She flashed me a smile before looking back at Cameron.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"A new issue has possibly arisen in the case and we need to address it," Hopkins said.

"What is it?" Carrie asked.

"Juliet, you did all of the cooking while you were in that house, correct?" Cameron asked.


"We have a few questions about that."

Carrie looked back over at me. Her brows were furrowed together. A wave of nausea hit me. She was confused, but I knew exactly what was going on.

Theyknew about the meat. ab$?Qk

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