-Little Secret-

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2021 Note: Ever since publishing this first oneshot back in 2016 when I was still new to fanfiction, there have been a few semi-rude messages against Mother Nature's name. Please note that Emily is her canon name in the Guardians of Childhood book series, whether you've read it or not. Those who prefer to give her non-canon names such as Seraphina can continue to do as they please, but I personally prefer sticking to her canon name. Openly expressing that you dislike Emily's name is not only disrespecting author William Joyce's writing choices being that he based Mother Nature's character on his late wife, but it is also hurtful to anyone who may be reading here whose name is Emily. The name means industrious, striving, and rival, so while it may be a common title, it holds power. Please be kind. Thank you, and happy reading!

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The little girl was fast asleep in her room. She seemed absolutely peaceful as her small chest rose up and down. Your daughter. She had your (e/c) orbs and her father's silky black hair. Her father...he doesn't know a single thing about your daughter. At least - you don't think he does. You had told him to leave once you found out you were pregnant. You haven't seen him for the past three years since then.

Lucky for you, your best friend from across the street helped you prepare and take care of the baby. She even sat by you for several hours in the delivery room. Even she sometimes would ask who the father to your child is. You only told her that it was some guy you got messed around with at a club. Though, you knew you were telling white lies. He was more than that! He was the man of your dreams, the man of your nightmares! 

When you graduated college, he and you hung out more often at night. But then came one night, the night that changed everything. That's all it took. Shortly afterward, you found yourself stirring in bed and vomiting whatever your stomach contained every few minutes. You thought death was coming to claim you somehow. Until a short doctor's appointment. You were not dying. Instead, there was life. A tiny little life you carried deep inside yourself. The life that that one night created. 

The father of your child soon came to check on your sickness. But you couldn't tell him, you didn't have the guts to do it. What would he have thought? He hated children! He didn't have time for them! So, you told him to stay out of your life and never return. That's exactly what he did. He never knew why you had said all of those things. He never saw you for a long time. Especially since you kept your curtains in your windows closed more often. He didn't even dare try to spy on you.

But just a few minutes ago, he saw a light peaking from one of the windows that did not lead to your room. He couldn't help but get closer to the window so he could hear your voice sing a lullaby. When your voice silenced and the light turned off, he quietly disappeared and re-appeared into the room from under the little girl's bed. He took a long hard look at the unfamiliar child.

What on Earth is she doing here? He thought. Could (Y/n) be watching over someone else's child for the night? Is she a relative? How come I've never seen her before...? It took him a minute to piece together the puzzle. Until he realized who that little girl is. Why hadn't he done this sooner?

Meanwhile in your room, you stood in front of your mirror next to your bed in your black nightgown. You wondered if your daughter will ever understand or even know who her father is. Maybe if she ever asks, you'll end up telling her the same thing you told your best friend and family.

"It was a stupid one-night stand," you recall saying to your peers. "I was out with a few old friends, and I accidentally drank too much. That's all." Your heart sunk every time you had to repeat the fake story since on that perfect night three years ago, there was no drinking, partying, or going out. There was only you, him, and lust spreading through the darkness. It was the most perfect night of your life. Sometimes you wished to see him one more time just to share another moment.

You stared at your own figure in the mirror before closing your eyes. That's when you heard his voice, too clear to be your imagination. 

"You know," he began. Your eyes shot open to find his reflection in the mirror, standing behind you. You gasped as you turned to face him. "Your daughter is quite beautiful for such a young age." He was drawing closer to you as you backed against the mirror in fear. He stopped directly in front of you, nose to nose. "Oops. I meant to say, our daughter." Your breathing had turned long and shaky. He grabbed your wrist and held it tight. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" His tone went cold.

"I..." You started. Your eyes grew watery. His grip on your wrist grew tighter as he awaited your answer. Your lower lip trembled and a sob finally escaped your throat. You broke into tears. "I would've told you," you stated. "But I was afraid of what you would think. I figured, you're the King of Fear and Nightmares, you can't possibly have children. I knew how much you hated kids so why have your own?" You put your free hand to your face and covered your teary eyes.

"I had a feeling, (Y/n). I had the slightest feeling that this would happen when you told me to stay away," he said as he let go of your other hand for you to put it with the one covering your eyes. "But I only brushed it away because..." He paused. "I had a daughter."

You lifted your head up in confusion. "W-what?" You stuttered.

"A long time ago. She had the longest black hair, the brightest emerald eyes, and always wore the most beautiful fern-green dress."

"What was her name?"

He took a breath. You had already dried your tears as you waited. "Emily," He said softly. You pursed your lips and nodded.

"What happened to her? Did you lose her?" 

He shook his head. "No. I didn't lose her"

"Then what happened?"

He sighed. "She lost me..." 

You were slightly confused, though, you kind of understood him.

 "She didn't like what became of me."

"That you turned...dark?" You guessed.

"Exactly. So she left me alone. And it's my fault. I haven't seen her for thousands of years."

"Wow...I-I'm sorry."

There was a long pause of silence. You both stared at the floor, lost in thought.

"So," he broke the silence. "That little girl sleeping down the hall...what's her name?"

You looked up at him and smiled. "Melanie," you whispered. "I chose it because it means beautiful and dark."

He smirked the way that always made you swoon. "Does she know I exist?" He asked while his smirk went away.

"Pitch," you said his name for the first time in three years. You liked how it felt on your tongue. "Why wouldn't she know about the monster under her bed? I at least told her that."

His smirk returned.

"But she doesn't know that he's her father."

"Can we change that?"

"Of course."

Pitch took your hand for you to lead him to your daughter's room. So she can learn about the real monster under her bed.

Pitch Black x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now