Science Nerd Part 1 of Many

Comenzar desde el principio


Be my Hawaiian dancer on the dashboard

And I'll watch you all day


"7 a.m. waking up in the morning!" Blaine belts out as Friday comes on, on her portable radio. I groan and put the pillow against my ears.

"Shut the hell up, Blaine." I complain into the sheets. Ugh. She turned on the lights too.

"Shut up. Its too early in the morning for cussing."

"Its not even seven o'clock, you-"

"Nope. No cussing. Now get out of bed before I go get ice water." I jumped out of bed and picked her up.

"Not again!" Blaine has put ice water on me way too many times and its terrifying.

"You will rue the day you were born for touching me peasant! Minions! Get me down!" Nobody came though. It was just me and Blaine against the world. I put her down soon after and we laughed. I had to drive Blaine to school because I made her miss the bus. Blaine is my favorite so I don't mind. We are the only ones adopted. She was adopted before me as a baby. Her birth mother gave her up even before this beautiful young girl was born. She has never seen her real parents before and I feel that she deserves the world but only gets a pebble. She acts in a way that blows my mind. When I was adopted, I was hateful and mean to everyone but Blaine grew up with them and was nice to me. I just wish I could give her everything she deserves and not just what I never got. Blaine could become someone important and this family is holding her back. Maybe we can run away together. I'll take care of her on the streets and we can beg for food. That's my plan and I'll find a way to make it happen.

I saw Juliette as I walked into class. I wasn't late this time. Mr. Fredrick taught Chemistry and that's why I needed Juliette to tutor me. According to the state laws "Nobody is left behind". So therefore instead of retaking classes, I have to struggle with everyone else. That's why I'm in this horrific science class.

"Greetings, earthling." I whisper to Juliette as I slide into the seat besides her. She smiles secretively while opening her notebook.

"I haven't see that smile since Cecelia switched out." Josh said quite loudly. He sat in front of me and turned to face us. Cecelia was an aggravating brat with the voice of a chipmunk. You can only imagine how annoying that was. Juliette slapped his arm.

"Ow!" I leaned in closer to the group and spoke softly.

"Act like you're flirting or something." Josh looked confused but Juliette started right away with giggling and smiling a fake idiotic smile. She winked at me. At ME! I'm the one who is supposed to wink. I walked over to Kelsey who just walked in.

"Kelsey! Hey, I need to talk to you." She was with a group of girls blocking the door. Idiots. I pulled her out of the crowd.

"You know that kid over there?" I pointed to Josh and Juliette.

"Josh? Yeah I know him. Why?"

"You should go talk to him."

"What? Why?"

"You like him don't you? I mean you guys are meant for each other."

"Josh doesn't like me! He talks to other girls like Juliette. We rarely ever talk."

"Just do as I say. Trust me." She laughed.

"Like I would trust an Ashlers. But okay, I'll talk to him." She walked to her seat which just happened to be at the table next to Josh's. I settled onto the stool right beside Juliette. I glanced over but she was looking at the board. She looked lovely even with a smudge of marker on her neck. Who knows how that got there. I leaned in closer and rubbed the marker off. She flinched at first then tried to see what I was doing.

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