"Okay, Prince Erik," Mitch obeyed, giving Scott their daughter. Melody whined a bit, not wanting to leave her mom's arms. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here. Mommy's hurt right now."

Tori came in quickly, a worried look on her face. Everyone looked at her, wondering what she had to say.

"Alyssa is here," Tori informed them, her voice shaking. Tears ran down her cheeks which only everyone else more worried. "Something happened."

"Is she starting chemo again?"

"Not that I know of," Tori replied, heaving to fight off the tears. She wiped her eyes, crying harder. "It's Kevin."

"What happened to him?"

"Code Blue, Room 430! Code Blue, Room 430!"

"What in the world?!" Avi asked, wondering why people were running down the halls. They all went into the room while more people exited, worried looks on their faces. "Alyssa?!"

Alyssa walked up to Mitch's room, tears falling down her cheeks. Ariel and Erik are in her arms, oblivious to their surroundings. Scott walked up to her and took one of the twins while Avi took the other one. Tori held onto Alyssa when she began to cry, falling onto her knees. Mitch watched the scene in front of him, feeling himself tear up. Melody and Jordyn had no idea what was going on, wanting to escape their dads' arms so they could play with each other.

"Alyssa, what's happening?"

Alyssa cried harder, her sobs shaking her body. She wiped her eyes, her sobs turning into screams. She gripped onto Tori's shirt, not wanting to accept the piece of news she just received. She took a deep breath, finally revealing the news.

"Kevin is in a coma."


Kirstin drove to her house, smirking to herself. She can't believe that she managed to create a car accident so quickly. All she did was run a stop sign and rammed into the back of Kevin's car, laughing loudly when she saw his car roll down the hill.

I'm finally getting my revenge.

Of course, there are a few things she did prior to putting Kevin's life on the line. She was the one who put Alyssa at the bottom of the donor list when she was actually the fifth person to receive a new heart. She also put the old man that Tori took care of in a car accident so Avi would accuse her of cheating, leading to their break up. She is only becoming closer to tearing the Pack apart and she can't be anymore excited.

I'm finally getting my revenge.

"Jeremy?" Kirstin called out, hoping to get a response. "Are you ready for our next plan?"

Jeremy came downstairs, wearing an outfit similar to those who work at the rehabilitation center. Kirstin smirked evilly, nodding her head slowly.

"What time will you be going to the rehabilitation center?" She asked, walking into the kitchen. Jeremy followed her, his smirk growing.

"Closing hours," Jeremy answered, taking out a Manila folder. Kirstin recognized it and almost laughed, proud of herself. "I have the folder of information you gave me. How did you manage to do that?"

"Hacking," Kirstin answered, getting her laptop. She typed something in quickly, turning it over to Jeremy. "I was kicked out of computer sciences go doing so."

"Nice," Jeremy commented, reading over a file. He nodded slowly, taking the information in. "He is in a decided room with a code. What is it?"

"605482," Kirstin replied, writing it down quickly on a piece of paper. She slipped the piece of paper into Jeremy's pocket, an eyebrow raised. "How are we so evil?"

"I don't know, but I love it."

Kirstin laughed as she began to kiss her Mate, ready to implement the plan. She is finally getting everything she wants and nothing would stop her.

I'm finally getting what I want. You're going to get it, Mitchell Grassi-Hoying.


A/N: I must say...I really like this chapter. It's one of my favorites throughout the entire Different series. I hope y'all think the same.xD Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)


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