Season 2: Episode 2: We are Both

Start from the beginning

-Town Hall-

"How is the list coming along?" Ruby asked as Azalea finally started to take down the table. The crowd had thinned, the day getting late. "Three pages long." She said handing the list to Ruby for her to look over. Ruby looked more and more distressed as she looked over the list. "This is a lot of people." Ruby said looking at the teen. "Are you sure you can take this on? It's a lot to handle, we could get some people to help you." She suggested. "I'm the only person who can perform a location spell...It will be a few days before I can even begin to use the location spell anyway. We can take the list and start looking for people the old fashion way while I connect with the nature here." She said taking the list back. "TERRIBLE NEWS!" Everyone at Town Hall turned as the dwarfs came running up to the crowd with Charming and Blue running behind them. "We were out at the town limits." Grumpy said as he pulled Sneezy up to the front of the group. "Tell 'em who you think you are Sneezy." Grumpy told the dwarf. "Will you stop calling me that? You know who I am. I'm Tom Clark I own the Dark Star Pharmacy in town." He said, looking both annoyed and confused at everyone's reaction. "Whats going on here?" He asked looking at everyone. "If you cross the town line you lose your memory all over again." Grumpy said. "Coming back didn't fix it?" Dr.Hopper asked. "If it did would I have come here yelling terrible news?!" Grumpy asked sarcastically. "If we leave Storybrooke our cursed selves become our only selves." the whole crowd was silent, before panic settled in. Everyone was asking questions, some started to cry. Azalea looked around her as the madness unfolded. Charming was crowded by people asking him questions, not giving him time to answer, as were Ruby, Dr.Hopper, and Blue. A few people even started to gather around Azalea like she would have any answer to fix all this. "PEOPLE!" Charming shouted quietening the crowd. "Everyone come back in two hours I'll tell you my plan to fix everything." He shouted to everyone before walking away. Ruby and Azalea ran up behind him as the rest of the crowd stayed behind. "What's the plan?" Ruby asked. "I don't know, but I got two hours to figure it out." David said.

-Mr.Gold Pawn Shop-

The bell rang as Mr.Gold stood at his desk. "It seems that when I bought the closed sign I was throwing away my money." He said before turning to see Charming standing at the door. "Looks like it." David said before walking inside. "Sorry to hear about your wife and daughter. If your looking for a retrieval I'm sorry to say that portal jumping is out of my range." Mr.Gold said. "Of course it is." Charming said, sounding annoyed. "What's the commotion outside about" Mr.Gold asked, hearing the murmuring from the streets. "A little stir at the border of the town, having trouble crossing the line." Charming said. "Do tell," Mr.Gold said sounding interested. "Actually I'm here to buy something. A way to find someone. Azalea can't right now because of the magical hat taking all of her magic." Charming said. "What like a map?" Mr.Gold asked. "Something with a bit more kick." Charming said. "Who are you following?" Mr.Gold asked. "Not telling." Charming said, almost challenging the man to ask him. But Mr.Gold didn't bite the bate, "So do you have something that belongs to this person?" He asked. Charming nodded yes, "Can I see it?" Mr.Gold asked. "No." Charming said folding his hands together. Mr.Gold chuckled before turning behind his desk and pulling out a box, he opened it and pulled out a jar with sparkling blue powder. "Pour this on the object then follow it." Mr.Gold said handing the bottle over. "What do you want in return?" David asked. "Peace," Mr.Gold said. "After you spent most of your existence trying to murder Azalea? Someone whom the royal family considers their own?" David asked. "I had a chance when she was able to break the curse on herself to get her heart and use it for my own gain. But I didn't." Mr.Gold said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Because Regina got to her first. Who knows what you would have done to her." David spat. "This is a whole new world Charming, I want a guarantee that we stay out of each others way. And I'll even keep a good distance between the flower enchantress and I at all times to make you feel better." Mr.Gold looked at the bottle with a raised eyebrow before Charming nodded, taking the bottle from him. He went to leave when Mr.Gold asked him one final question. "What happens when you cross the border?" Charming turned to face him. "You lose your memory all over again, looks like were stuck here." He said before leaving the shop. Moments passed as Mr.Gold felt the anger burn in him. He threw his cane, the sounds of glass breaking went unheard in his burning ears. All of his hard work, and now he was stuck here?! "Poor delusional Charming. If you think I'm done with Azalea, you've got a big storm coming." 

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