Snowy clenched her fists. With a lightning fast quickness she lashed out at Kita striking her in the face. Kita spun around to catch another pair followed by a back flip kick that sent her arcing into the sand. Snowy jumped on top of her and pummeled her. Sarin wanted to jump in and stop it, but she knew there was nothing she could do but watch.

Snowy got off Kita exhausted. Kita rolled over and spit out a blood and bunch of teeth. Carefully she picked the teeth up and popped them back into her mouth so her nanites could reuse the material. Weakly she stood up and faced the angry cat.

"Feel better?" Kita asked around her missing teeth.

"No." Snowy roared.

Kita nodded and then fell to her knees and bowed before Snowy.

"Then tell me what I can do to make you happy? If I cannot give you what you demand."

Snowy's eyes narrowed.

"Give me the power to take my revenge in Gerald."

Kita hung her head, "you don't want that. It will lead you nowhere good. And it will be the end of us."

"We're already at the end. If you want to keep me than give me what I want."

Kita started to cry, "I can't. I won't do it to you."

"Do it, coward." Snowy snarled.

"It'll destroy you before you get to your goal. I promise you I'm not making it up."

"Do it or I'll hunt down the blonde whore and kill her."

Tears streaming down Kita's face she raised a hand and a tiny black ball floated to Snowy and dissolved inside of her. Snowy looked around herself, but looked disappointed when there were no outward signs of change.

"It takes a while to grow and mature." Kita explained.

"You better be right," Snowy glared.

Kita just hung her head.

"Now don't pout. You got what you wanted and I got what I wanted. We're one big happy family." Snowy said pulling Kita to her feet.

Sarin watched dumbfounded as Snowy led Kita off the beach toward their hut. When they were going she looked around for the bird.

"What just happened? Am I watching a revisionist version of history? Snowy was never that way with Kita early on. She adored Kita."

"Snowy's greatest power is her power over Kita. She knows that, but that's not the lesson here. Did you see it?" The bird asked from atop Sarin's wing.

"Kita was willing to give Snowy what she wanted to have me?"

"Kita sacrificed a piece of herself to save you. The piece she sent is not a spawn, but an actual piece. It's why Snowy has had such a hard time dealing with her evil. Kita didn't know how to spawn, so she did the only thing she could, and that was give a part of herself. The problem is as Kita's powers grew, so did the power of the piece in Snowy. Snowy had no idea had to control it and its influence corrupted her." The bird shook its head back and forth sadly.

Sarin frowned worriedly, "so I have to give Nell some of my black to save her? But won't she just repeat what happened to Snowy?"

"Sacrifice comes in many forms. I doubt she wants you to give her a piece of your black to her, but there are other things."

"Like what?"

"What's the most important thing to you in all the universe?"

Sarin answered without hesitation, "me."

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