I made it back to my room and called my brother-- and true to my words, he went entirely bonkers after hearing it. Even more so when I told him I'm currently living with my boss-- whom he had known Aomine to be the one who made my heart skip a beat. 

"I will give you a chance to be independent Aura but I'm telling you now if he ever hurt you, I am taking you to Singapore with me and you are going to live with me-- whether you like it or not. Or worse, if I ever found out you're pregnant while you are there, that is going to cost his head" I chuckled, though I know he is entirely being serious about it. I don't think that's even going to happen though, Aomine is just not that into me. I believe the website. I spent another half an hour on the phone with my brother until he has cooled down.

I looked out the window to see a gardener, probably around my age, pruning some of the leaves and pulling out the weeds. He sure knows his work well and those red roses... Those are some good ones. I continued looking outside, until he looked up and our eyes met. He smiled politely and so do I, then he continued with his work. Aomine have some really nice people around him-- Philip, and now this gardener. 

Then it struck me. Can I help to pull out those weeds? I may not be an expert but I surely have some good knowledge on gardening. 

I made my way down, to the pool, Aomine had mentioned as I manoeuvred through the house and finally about ten minutes, found my way to the indoor swimming pool. I stood by the side of the pool and watch him swim several laps back and forth before he stops and look at me.

"I can see your panties" He said, looking up from the pool to me. Out of reflex, I immediately shun away and took several steps back. He chuckled, "I'm kidding". What the hell, I scowled, why my brain decided to unleash me with a flush of red on my face. "What is it, Aurora?" 

"I was just thinking if I could go out and help with the garden" I stated my request.

He sighed, "I told you there is no need for you to-"

"But plucking out weeds is easy. I can do that. Besides, he seems nice" I said.

"Wha- Who?" He looked at me, confused.

"The gardener" I looked at him, "The one around my age? Tall, nice build, and-" I started describing.

Aomine suddenly grabbed by my ankle from the water and pulled me in to the pool. I lost my balance and....


I ended up in the pool with my one and only clothing that's with me currently since, my stuffs hasn't been delivered yet. Wet, helpless, with water inside my ears and non-stop coughing because I accidentally swallowed some water down my throat. 

"Why did you do that?" I scowled and trudged towards him. But he was fast and swift-- and listen himself up to the dry land and dried himself. "I think you have a lot to clean up now instead of worrying about the garden and the gardener" He said with grim, while I jumped on the spot inside the pool to get rid of the water inside my ears... only to no avail. Must he really make it this hard for me to stay here? All I ask was to do something...

"The clothing are on the chair. Wear them for now" He pointed to the pool lounger chair and then walk away. I thread out of the water and dried myself with the dry towel that's available-- then to the shirt and the pair of berms provided for me. Surely, he can't expect me to wear this and walk around the house? -- The shirt were white, oversized and sheer. It would be fine if I have my lingerie on but they are wet.

Oh wait, I could layer it up with the towel. Heading towards the pool changing room, I put on the shirt and the berms, feeling so naked. Then I draped my towels around the neck so that both ends fall right at each of my chest, covering my boobs. 

I walked back past the living room to find Aomine already seated in front of the television, with his eyes fixed on the TV, watching some soccer between two teams I barely know. 

Suddenly, the door bell rang and I grew instantly excited. That must be my stuffs! I skipped to the door and about to turn the knob when Aomine suddenly towered right in front of me, preventing me from opening the door. 

His eyes dark as he took in my appearance, "Are you aware of what you're wearing?" He asked rather roughly. Oh, right. The shirt's... It's translucent. He took a deep breath, and sat me down the couch. "Stay here" He said, and opened the door. The delivery men carried in several boxes from the van and walked past the living room, up the spiral stairs and get to my room-- all under the supervision of Aomine. 

After about twenty minutes, the men scurried away and Aomine called me up to my own room. He sat me down by the dressing table and plugged in a hair dryer. "Stay still" He said, then dried my hair. "Valentine's day coming soon. What do you want?"

Why is he being this way? If he wants to stay away from me, he shouldn't be doing this. But why is he doing this? 



I am so sorry for the extremely late update!! I honestly thought a few days wouldn't get me so much votes but it DID. Oh gosh, and then I was so busy with Chinese New year that I only had time to update tonight. But really though...I'm so thankful to all you readers! As an apology, I will not be fixing the number of votes for the next update BECAUSE I'M GOING TO DO AN UPDATE ON VALENTINE'S DAY. 

;) But votes are still welcome. Love you all xx

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