Chapter 11

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My eyelids fly open once I hear a sound in the distance. I stare at the ground before I roll my head up and look around. My eyes scan the forest as the night sounds fill my eyes. I swear I thought I heard something move but then again, I am stuck in the forest. I sigh and relax before a cold blade is up to my neck. I suck in a breath, my heart about to pound out of my chest.

"So, you're the vampire that killed that werewolf. Tsk, tsk, tsk, word gets around quick little missy." A male voice whispers in my ear. They remove the blade and walk in front of me, hooded, like an assassin. They spin the knife handle in their fingers before grabbing it by the blade. They give me a devilish smirk and throw the knife, missing my ear by a centimeter. I feel like I'm about to pass out as I stare at the knife. "You should have been smarter than to tussle in a fight with the werewolves. I thought that this was settled between the vampires and the werewolves. Do you have any idea what you caused?"

The man asks me getting closer and closer until I can perfectly see every detail of his face, yet he wasn't close enough for us to be touching. I shake my head, fear possessing every inch of my body. I rotate my wrists. The scratchy rope grinds against my skin and I stop moving from the pain.

"Speak." The man commands.

"N-No. I don't really know..." I mummer. My eyes dropped with my head and I stare back at the crunchy leaves on the ground. The man, I realized who looked almost thirty, lifted my chin with his finger. Making me look straight into his eyes.

"You, child, have caused an outbreak of fear and anger. You have caused your family to die and suffer thanks to you." The man said while looking straight into my eyes. He added emphasis to every time he said you.

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to kill Zayn. I'm telling the truth!" I explain.

"Aw, you think honesty matters now, how sweet. Baby girl, none of that matters now. You killed someone." The man says harshly in a calm way. Tears form in my eyes and the man pouts. "Don't cry, I'll be quick and painless just for you." He gives a little chuckle. He inspects my face before taking the knife out the tree. He stares at me and then the knife and then me again. His lips meet mine and he violates my mouth for about two horrible minutes. "You were a pretty one. Welp, time to die now." He says as he gets the knife ready.

I prepare for him to carve my heart right out of my chest with that blade. I close my eyes before I here a thunk. I cringe as I here the man scream and I scream from being terrified. Then dead silence fills the air. Footsteps walk to the back of me and slices the ropes in one swift motion. The footsteps walk in front of me and then just stops there. 

"Get out of here..." a muffled voice says quietly. I try to move my feet but I feel paralyzed to do anything. "Do you want to die? Jade, leave!" I get the will to run and as I run to somewhere away from there, I think back to that voice. It was reminded of Xander...but, I dont know anymore. I don't know what is going to happen and I don't know what to do. There is no getting out of this war, there is no going back...

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