Chapter 2

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I walk down a dark alley unable to breath. I see a sleeping hobo and walk slowly toward him, trying not to disturb him. When I'm close, I fall to my knees. I don't want to do this, but I have to. I stick my fangs straight into the hobo's neck and cover his mouth so no one can hear him scream. When I finish draining the all blood, I throw him towards the dumpster and inhale. Glad that I can finally breathe again, I continue my journey to mom's antique shop. Along the sidewalk, people give me weird glances, some of horror and some of confusion. I take my sleeve and wipe my mouth. At first, I think I'm bleeding, but quickly remember my victim's blood and wipe my mouth frantically trying not to be suspicious about why there is blood on my face.

I spot my mothers antique shop and rush in. She didn't call me to help with the shop, she called me because tonight was the family blood feast. I walk to the back room and get a shiver down my spine at the site of the tied up people. I don't want to drink their blood, but I can't help it. I lunge for a human but I'm tugged back by a strong arm.

"No James. We can't feast on them yet. Not until the whole family is here." My dad tells me. I recoiled when I realize what I just tried to do.

"Oh, sorry ." I step out of the curtains that lead to the back room and sit down in a chair in front of the store. What did I just try to do? I don't want harm humans, I need to drink blood, but I don't want to harm humans. Especially, Katelyn. If I get to close, I'm afraid I might bite and won't stop. The hobo was a different story, I was desperate, weak, I couldn't breathe. Animal blood, it will have to do.

My thoughts are interrupted by the bell at the top of the door announcing an arrival. When I look up from my face-palm I see my mother, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins, my sister, my brother, and other friends and family. My eyes follow them as they walk into the back room. I wince at what I know what will happen in about a half a hour. Blood everywhere, pale humans, some new ghouls we would have to kill and bury. Dead children, dead fathers that promised their boy that they will come back later and they will go somewhere fun, tons of regret after draining your last victim and fulling your thirst which will only last for a good two weeks or less.

Human girls are so stupid and think that being a vampire would be great. Be my guest at being a blood sucking monster that has to drink blood or else all the oxygen in your blood stream is taken away by your vampire blood and your life is slowly being taken away and you can die any minute. You staying at a constant age when you changed and you see everyone die and pass away before your eyes. You have to repeat the same age and go by a different name every one hundred years because humans will get suspicious if you alive for more than that and you have to move constantly. And that moment when you see your victim on the news labeled dead or missing and you have that pain in your stomach that you killed about two hundred to three hundred people a year. When you have a human's head in your hands, their pulse is all you can stare at. You don't want to stick your fangs into their neck but when just the tip of your fangs get one drop of blood, you get drunk on the sweet taste and the red color just draws your in and you can't stop. You keep drinking and drinking, wanting more by the second and then the luscious drink stops flowing and you let go of the human. All drained away and dead. Dead because of you and your thirst and greediness of wanting more. You didn't have to drink it all but you did. Then other vampires congratulate you on killing you first victim, its almost another way for saying your now officially a blood sucking monster that kills people. And the pain, oh the pain, of transforming into a vampire. Your back curves as you try to fight the pain of what the vampire blood is doing to your body.

"What's wrong with you?" Jade asks strutting over to me. I stand up.

"Nothing, just thinking" I say staring of into the distance outside.

She must have noticed my haze. "Look, I don't like this whole drinking blood thing either Jamie, but it's who we are and we can't change that."

At that moment I crack, I didn't mean to but I do. "That's the point! I didn't exactly volunteer to be a blood sucking monster." I yell. "I don't give a damn about our ancestors making this a vampire holiday" I added.

"That is enough!" Mom screams while walking towards me.

When she gets close enough, she slaps me. My head snaps to the right. The slap was combined with a lot of momentum and vampire strength."How dare you embarrass me in front of all those people!" My mothers screams pointing behind her.

My eyes shift to all of the shocked and surprised eyes staring at us. I dare look back at my mother whose eyes have changed from a light silver and dark brown to a red and yellow. I turn around and burst out the store door in a rush. If I had stayed a minute longer than I would have bit off some heads. I'm speed walking down the sidewalk with some of my footsteps leaving dents in the sidewalk. I have no idea where I'm going but I just had to get away from all of that nonsense.

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