Chapter 1

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I lay next to James on my bed wanting him to kiss me or something, but he keeps his distance, one foot away from me. I hated him for that but loved him in every other way. His personality, his touch, his hair, the curve of his lips, the way he knows just the right words to say. Almost like he can read my mind.

I wiggle myself closer, close enough to feel his warmth but he just gets up and acts like he was trying to stretch even though I knew the truth. I sit up and give him the evil eye and he notices. "What did I do?" James asks trying to act all innocent. I just narrow my eyes at him without out giving him a response. " Hey, what did I do that made you so pissed off at me?" James says while leaning against my wall and crossing his arms. I ignore him and pull my phone out my pocket and act like I'm checking my messages but really I'm staring at James. He walks over to me but still keeps his distance, one foot away from me, again. My eyes flicker back to the phone screen then back at him then back at the phone screen. I then look up at him fully and he starts laughing at something.

"What are you laughing about" I question him while putting my phone down.

"You" He simply replies like its the best answer in the world while smirking. I straighten my mouth into a thin line.

"What about me?" I said actually confused.

"Nothing. So what were you doing on your phone?" James says motioning to my phone with one of his fingers. I dreaded that he always changes the subject at weird moments.

"What about me James, were you laughing about? I'm not letting you change the subject this time." I put my hands behind me and pushed my shoulders forward.

"I was laughing at how you were trying to act like you were reading messages but -" He didn't get to finish because Christian came in my room.

"Hey Chris there is a new thing called knocking, you should use it next time" I said sarcastically, " We have privacy rules remember?"

"Shut up Katelyn, I'm not here for you." He gave me a nasty glare. "Someone's on the phone for you." He thrust our house phone at James and James took it.

"Okay, I'll be right back" James said to me smiling before walking out of the room.

"You can lea-" I'm about to say but then being rudely interrupted.

"What were you guys doing in here anyway, before I came in" Christian questioned.

"I don't have to answer that" I assured him while laying down on my pillow.

"I'm not leaving without an answer" Christian claimed while lying on the wall. I gave him the evil eye and he smirked.

"Well....?" He asked. James picked the right moment to show up in the doorway. I waved Christian out annoyed and he left rolling his eyes.

"Okay. So um, I gotta go" James said in a way that you could tell, he didn't want to leave.

"Awww, why?" I whined while sitting up.

"Gotta help mom at the antique shop today. Surprisingly, antiques are the new thing, we have a rush." James laughed. "Bye Katelyn, gotta go sell some old figurines" He said rushing out the door. Aw man, now I'm all alone I thought. I laid back down thinking of James' brown messy hair. I daydreamed of James' soft lips touching mine with an urgency saying 'I love you'. My eyelids start to get heavy as my daydream slowly turns into a regular dream.

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